[quote=@nerminator] Nick let out a sigh, and yelled [b]Yes yes we hear you loud and clear[/b] into the air, being shut down for a hour in a tiny bar isn't very good, the shoes that were drying caught Nicks eyes, Nick gotten off of his bar stool and Slide over the bar counter, landing on the other side and grabbing his precious shoes, he put them both on, his shoes were White as snow and as clean as a.....uhh.....clean... forget it, [/quote] "Ah, good, i thought ths thing never worked. well thats not true but you know?" he kicked his feet back and flicked the lights back on "Now you dont have to see in a red tone" he checked the other screens for more life. [quote=@Fillet] [@EnergyWhale] [@Jack] [@McHaggis] [i]The chef is crazy,[/i] she thought and involuntarily took a step closer to the - she looked up at the [i]sexy[/i] knight in shining armour who must have had come to her rescue - "I don't think we've met before," she said to him with a dazzling smile. "I'm Tindy and I'm your side." She turned to the chef and quickly added, "Your side. You’re on the good side, and I’m on there.” The girl he was with - who didn’t look to be any kind of worrying adversary against her for Hotty McHotness - seemed to have retained some sense and humanity. She would need to talk to her and Hotty in private about how to find Ella and get out of this nightmare alive. If they could… maybe.. smack the chef over the head when he had his back turned once they reached safety and didn’t need his crazy violent assistance; it was a tempting thought Tindy kept in the back of her mind. “I need to find my best friend, she’s a waitress. Have you seen her? Her name is Ella. She was rostered to work tonight in Top Floor.” [/quote] There was a woman stadng next to someone, now charles liked crude jokes, jokes like switching on the spriklers to scare people, he be leant back, flicked the emergancy lights on and the main lights off, locked down the doors and put a red swirling light on... and in a calm and slow voice spoke into that zone "Attention, Radiation iminate, evacuate now" he leant in his chair to watch them hurry and scram.