------------------------------------------ [hider=Continent of Riosa] [img]http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv183/EmmaJaneA/trtrt.png[/img] Riosa aka Wild Lands, is the smaller continent to the west of Aveeno across the sea. [hider=The Mogo People] The Mogo people are natives of Riosa. The Mogo are a nomadic hunter-gatherer warrior tribe, who sweep across the vast central plains of Riosa in search of plunder. The Mogo people are always on the move looking for new pasture lands and new targets for plundering. They frequently raid the villages, and towns all around Riosa. They live by taking what they need including supplies, valuables, and new captives to serve them as slaves. The only Mogo city is Mogotreva, located to the far south, on the peninsula. It is ruled by the strongest Mogo person, and a counsel of wise elders. The ruler is called 'Supreme', and can be a man or a woman. There is a tournament held every five years, that is held to determine who the Supreme is or will be. Any Mogo person over the age of 16 can enter. Each person fights one on one battles, and the winner of those battle move on to another and so on, until there is one left and they fight the current Supreme, who ever wins it becomes the Supreme. The counsel of elders is made up of seven men/woman who are elected by the people, and are typically ex-supremes, or the spouse of the supreme, though anyone can be elected. The Mogo have their own language, but many of them can speak the common tongue of Aveeno. They do not have a written language, and see no reason for it. (Mogo Language = Google translator 'German') [/hider] [u][b]Work in progress[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Aveeno Religions Info] Work in progress (as this has yet to be added, leave the religion part of your CS blank/open for now)[/hider] [hider=Playable Races] [hider=Humans] Humans are the majority race in this world. More than any other race in this world, they have developed a variety of different cultures within it. There are many races of human such as Dragoth, Mogo, and Gypsies to name a few. Humans have no race/core magic, but they can practice [i]witch magic[/i], which is basically minor spells, potions, charms, curses, hexes, voodoo, scrying, crystal ball/ palm reading/ herbalist/ kinda stuff. (look under the 'Magics' Tab for more information) The average age they live to is 75 give or take 10 years. [/hider] [hider=Elves] Elves are attuned to nature, and are Human in appearance, except they have noticeably angular features, and pointed ears; they are generally tall and slim, and are one the fairest races in the land. Graceful, strong and elegant, they pride themselves on their intelligence. Abilities - They are resistant to the extremes of nature. Their senses, especially hearing and sight, are much keener than those of other races. They are mortal, the average age they live to is 200 give or take 25 years, but they do not look old with age. The elves are lovers of art and music, and the enjoy filling their homes with beautiful things. They are vegetarians, believing that all forms of life should be respected. Romantic Relationships between humans and elves are rare, due to the different culture and lifespans of both races. Their curiosity and desire for knowledge is insatiable, they are the wisest of the races. They also have there own language, (Use google translate for this. Elvish = Portuguese) as of the past 120 years, most elves have integrated into human society, but there are still five large elven villages in Aveeno that stick to the old ways, old elven traditions, and culture. [/hider] [hider=Dwarves] Dwarves are a short, stocky race. They are broad, heavy, stout. Most male Dwarves have thick, luxuriant beards in which they take great pride, it is often a sign of extreme sadness and mourning for a dwarf to shave his beard. They average four feet in height. Dwarven women are alike in manner, voice and appearance to the men. Dwarves can sense magnetic fields, and can enhance this sense to allow them to know were they are underground or even what kind of metals are near. They are very skilled in Metal work and stone work. they tend to be miners. They have a natural fascination with minerals. They live mostly in dwarf cities carver into the side of mount Vardan, and the Riosa mountains. Dwarves are typically stubborn, secretive, and fiercely loyal to their friends, and own kind. They care greatly about mining, crafting, gold and gems. They are some of the best builders in the world. The average age they live to is about 65 years old, give or take 5 years. [/hider] [hider=Cervi] Cervi live in treetop tribes, located in Kembre forests. There typical form is human-like, but with antlers atop there head. There traditions and dress are much like the native Americans. They are a proud, stubborn race when it comes to traditions and changes. They also dislike war, and fighting. live on average to be about 80 years old. [/hider] [hider=Demon] Demons exist alongside humans, and in there own realm known as the 'Underworld'. Many types of Demons closely resemble humans, while others are more strange in appearance. There are over 100 documented types of demons. Here are some listed below. Genetics - Demons can mate with any of the races, and produce offspring with them. These offspring are called halflings if one of the parents is not a demon race. Halflings are a mixture of their parents, and their inherited demonic powers are weak at best. When two demons have a baby together, that child with only take after one parent. So if a vampire woman and a Weevil man have a child, that child would be ether a vampire [i]or[/i] a Weevil demon, not both, not a mix of the two. Some Demon species are more dominate then others. If the demon parents are the same type of demon then of course their child will be the same demon type as them. ---------------------------------- [b]Goblin[/b] - Illiterate, grotesquely evil, and are constantly annoying little demons, unkind and mean. Goblins are described as 3–4 feet tall, thin, brown, and very ugly, with a huge long nose and ears to match. Most are bald including the females. Crossing them is a thing to avoid as they have refined a grudge to a fine art. They live underground, in caves, and the wasteland. [b]Changelings[/b] - Changelings are sickly fairy babies that fairies leave in the cribs of humans, after they have taken a human newborn from it. Changelings are usually small and pale, and tend to die very young. The stolen human babies, when touched by the fairy, become fairies themselves. The rare changeling that survives past adolescent, are inherently malicious, and slowly go mad until they become a shell of a person and die. [b]Vampire [/b]- Are a species of demon which inhabit and animates fresh human corpses. They possess all the memories, skills, attributes, and qualities of their human predecessors, and much of their personalities, including any mental illnesses. Abilities include, enhanced strength, speed, endurance, agility, senses, and healing, all of which increase as they grow older. They also possess the ability to drain a human and/or other creature of every last drop of its blood in but a few seconds, as they live off blood. They also do not need air, though they can breathe to speak or smoke, they are semi-immortal, and can be killed with a stake through the heart, burning by fire, or their head being severed. Like a corpses they have a Lack of heartbeat and body heat. The sun does not harm them, but they are naturally nocturnal Demons. [b]Fire Demon[/b] - another species of Demon. Looks human, but has small horns, a long skinny pointed tail, and sometimes bat-like wings. They can control fire, in the forms of fireballs, sparks, and shooting flame daggers. When using there powers there eyes turn completely black. [b]Incubus/Succubus[/b] - Look like an average human, but they have a series of large black or greenish colored veins that appear on their back under there skin. Over an unknown amount of time, their bodies lose energy and they go out of balance. Eventually that balance swings to the point that they need to replace the lost energy or die. As their need for that energy increases over time, the black and green veins on their backs, increase dramatically onto the arms, chest, face, legs, and neck. To replenish their energy, they feed, they take the life force from their victim by kissing them, or through sex. They can seduces and manipulate through skin to skin contact. This contact is very pleasurable and usually eliminates their victim's resistance so they can feed, engage in sex, or control the person to their advantage (such as acquiring information from a target). The victim can be left confused about what had come over him or her, or without a memory of what had happened. [b]Shapeshifter[/b] - are a species of Demon that are human in appearance. They can copy another animal's body and morph into an exact copy of that animal. The animal does not have to be a similar size to the shifter. However a basic shifter can not shift into another human/elf/darwf as they are too complex to copy. To earn the ability to shift into a human a shifter must kill a fellow shifter family member. This turns them into a [i]Skinwalker[/i], capable of turning into any animal on earth (including humans). Shapeshifters also have a go to shift, which is a shift they find easy to copy. When there is a full moon in the sky at night, shapeshifters are driven to shift into their animal for the entire duration of the full moon. Shapeshifters can't retain their clothing when they change, so when they change back into a human, they appear naked. [b]Mahiri[/b] - Aka nightmare demon. The look similar to a human/elf but with furry ears like a cat or fox, and sometimes a tail to match. They live of the essence of nightmares. They devour nightmares, and fear emotions. The Mahiri like many other types of demon, can be summoned, but do this with caution, because if the Mahiri is not satisfied after consuming the nightmare, they may also devour your hopes, memories, and dreams. They typically reside in the underworld, and come to the human world only to eat nightmares. [b]Weevil[/b] - A Weevil demon Has gold-dusted skin, and bird like eyes. The are a kind of trickster demon, and love to make deals; they twist the deals to their advantage( Think Rumpelstiltskin ). Many like to feed off a people's luck, thus causing the victim to become unlucky. This feeding is not a necessary thing, and they can sustain themselves on regular food, but is done for fun, and accumulating luck to use. They are extremely cunning, greedy, and enjoy partaking in mischief. They horde gold, gems, and other valuables, but what they really like most of all is rare magic items. [b]Gorgon[/b] - They look like beautiful humans, except for their hair which is made of snakes. Looking into the eyes of the hair snakes causes the looker to turn into stone. Gorgons are very vain and prideful, they dislike anyone more attractive then them, and are the mean girls of the underworld. There are no male Gorgons, only female. They are born from eggs. They can morph the bottom half of the body into that of a snakes. They have a a split tongue. Normally they keep their snake hair wrapped up in scarfs, and fancy fabrics. They claim to be the ones that started the hair wrap trend among the Dragoth women. [b]Syxtar[/b] - Have an insatiable desire to know the truth. If a Syxtar asks a question and it is not answered truthfully, they will do whatever they can to discover the truthful answer. Including torture and murder. They have the ability to bring forth peoples lost/forgotten memories, and can unblocked magic mind blocks, seals. Not only do Syxtar have the ability to detect what is truth versus lie, they are able to force all races to tell the truth (even what they are not consciously aware of) with a flash of their eyes or a particular hand gesture. [b]Tellenic[/b] - Their eyes glow a red, or orange color. They have feather/down like hair, and sharp claw like finger nails. They are carnivores, and eatting things lie fruit and veggies upsets the stomach. They have the ability to read thoughts and communicate with thought transference. They also are telekinetic, and one of the more polite demon types. [b]Valdicor[/b] - Have the power to create doubt, confusion, and intimidation in their opponents. When using the power of confusion the Valdicor's true form is seen, which resembles a skeleton with skin, when not using thier power they appear human. [/hider] [hider=Nasmyra Druids] The Nasmyra's live deep in the toxic jungle in there village they call 'Bashna'. They are a botanical insect-like humanoid race. Mysterious, and more primal then other races. Only two known Nasmyra druids have ever left the Toxic Jungle. A young Nasmyra girl named Yuriko was captured by Selymar soldiers and sold into slavery seven years ago. And an older man named Akihito left of his own accord after being exiled from Bashna over twenty years ago. There culture resembles that of paleolithic times. There knowledge of anything outside the jungle is null, all they know is that there are other strange people out there. Golden sap moves through their veins instead of blood. They are typically more slender than the average human and about a head shorter. All Nasmyra have luminescent cells in their skin, causing them to glow in the dark. They seem rather naive as there are some matters which are usually beyond their comprehension. complex Emotions and tact, in particular, are difficult for them to grasp, so often a Nasmyras will state out loud something which would normally be politely avoided by other races. Names - Nasmyra druids have no surnames, only a first name, and a title. Examples: Fisher Nana, Hunter Sachi, Weaver Mao, Elder Kazumi, Kid Ayako. The title typically is whatever there job is or for children/elders/non-worker it is a descriptive word such as Elder, smelly, Kid, Mama, grumpy, old, young, or wise. (as you may see Nasmyra names are of Japanese origin.) [hider=Appearance] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/295/7/d/pathfinder__gnome_druid_by_telthona-d5ikmm0.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/019/7/3/eating_colors_by_telthona-d5s1hjk.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/032/2/9/lady_bug_by_telthona-d5ti7nt.jpg[/img] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/259/7/2/lights_in_the_forest_by_telthona-d4a0hyt.jpg[/img] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/076/2/0/warrior_dunmer_by_sebeuroc-d5ydxk9.jpg[/img] [img]http://blog.echoenduring.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Avatar__Wallpaper_by_Azurelle-500x375.jpg[/img] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/309/f/7/silvernai__inari_by_telthona-d4f7v1o.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/073/8/d/blue_skin_by_bl3o-d4sarjp.jpg[/img] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/124/4/a/dryad_awakening_by_telthona-d4yhty7.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Fauns] Are a Human-goat hybrid, the head to the waist being the human half, but with the addition of horns on the forehead, cloven hooves, goat legs with glossy hair, and a long tail are what some look like, other may just have horns and a tail. They are good at farming and playing musical interments. Agricultural geniuses, but they are like any other human when it comes to lifestyle. They live to be about 65 years old. [/hider] [hider=Angelics] Their normal size varies from six foot, to six foot five. They have white/gray/black angel-like wings on there back. They have there own style of dress that is reminiscent of what ancient greek style was like. the Angelic race is very kind, virtuous, and giving. Though they can be insulted by poor manners and can easily be made annoyed if they feel insulted by someones words or actions. Angelics are good listeners and take pride in being one, and are the most friendly/nicest race around. They have an innocence about them. Most Angelics are priest and priestesses in the moon temples. There are not many Angelics left, as it is a dying race. Angelic are gifted with the ability to fly, Although they get physically drained after flying for long periods. [/hider] [hider=Fairy] Fairies are a tall, radiant, angelic looking race. They have insect/butterfly like wings, which they can fly with. Fairies have the ability to detect lies, and value honesty above all things. They hate being told 'thank you', as they see it as a sign of one forgetting the good deed done, and want something that'll guarantee remembrance. Iron is like poison/kryptonite to fairies, and they will not go near it. They are elementals, and can manipulate fire, water, air, earth, and metals. They are normally a hidden people, whom like to stay invisible to the other races. They mostly reside in the 'inbetween' (aka the fairy realm). Their is a natural barrier that protects the inbetween from mortal intrusion. It is a hidden realm of mystical forests, and beautiful plants. Unicorns also make there home here. Fairies can put on a glamour to appear human, as this was an ability used centuries ago before they made themselves known to the human race. Now adays they walk about in there true form. The average age of a fairy is 150 years, give or take 10 years. If a human baby between the ages of 0-6 months old is touched by a fairy, that baby turns into a fairy. [/hider] [hider=Merpeople] They are a Human-fish hybrid that reside in a very few known places in the deep ocean. they live in beautiful underwater cities. They have been seen by humans in the middle of the ocean and around the Islands. They Have a Human head, arms, and torso, but the tail of a fish. Enchantingly beautiful, there skin looks silver underwater, and sometimes have hues of blue and grays to them. There eyes come in every color imaginable, but the most common is blue, grey, green, brown, black, or violet. There hair comes in red, blonde, browns, and blacks, sometimes with a blue/green/purple hue. Abilities - They swim fast, breath underwater, Can Speak to aquatic creatures, there bodies can endure extreme cold and water pressure, they have enchanting beautiful voices that can, if they want, bewitch, and enchant the mind of landfolk, normally the opposite sex. Ultimately leading the person to drown. They can, and do, interbreed with landfolk, the children of such unions sharing in the ability to breath underwater. Merpeoples tears turn into priceless gemstone called Orpyru, as Merpeople live underwater, these tear-gems only occur when they are outside the water when crying. - Orpyru - Is the rarest gem in the world. It is a color-changing gemstone: its hue shifts from clear to different hues of pink/purple depending on the light it's exposed to. Merpeople can also weave an extremely valuable material called Gloss, it translucent and beautiful, normally used for wedding veils, royal gowns, and can be burned in fire to make it hotter and the flames become white. There blood is silver and is said to taste like honey, and it is known to cure all poisoning, Their typical age of death is unknown to everyone outside there race. It ranges between 90-110 years old. They also have there own language, (use google translate for this. Mertongue = Finnish) [/hider] [hider=Centaurs] Centaurs are Human-horse hybrids. the have the torso of a human joined at the waist to a horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. Centaurs are best known for their skills in archery, astrology, prophecy, healing, and warfare, as they are a fierce and valiant race always faithful to whom the plead loyalty. They are a nomadic people, and live in societies called herds. There very strong and fast. They hate crowed places and are much happy among there own people in the wild. They live to be about 80 give or take 5 years. [/hider][/hider] [hider=Creatures of Aveeno] There are all of the typical non-magical animals like goats, sheep, ravens, fish, chipmunks, pigs...etc. This is a list of the mystical ones that are concerted typical in this world. (this list will keep growing over time and may also include plants. If you have any animal or plant you want to add PM me) Unicorns - There are White, pink, or blue horse, that have one long pointed horn. There horns are shed every five years, and are a prized and rare item used in magic. They live in the in-between, so it very rare to see one. Banshee - Are the lost souls of female fairies and nymphs whom died from a broken heart, normally caused by the untimely death of there children, or have died by committing suicide. They rome the land moaning and crying, if you hear a Banshee scream it mean death/misfortune are not far behind. They are all white and have a ghost like riddance around them. Hearing there scream can causes Nausea, bloody noses, and ruptured eardrums Alicanto - The Alicanto are large birds that eats gold and silver ore, which causes its feathers to reflect light. they cannot fly once they have gorged themselves, being too ladden with metal, so they scuttles around on the ground. They use there shiny plumage to lead humans to their deaths, either deep in mines, over a cliff, or into a ravine. The Alicanto lives in the mountains and forests. Phoenix - mythical sacred firebirds, that can be found in the hottest parts of Aldentine. The bird has a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet, or purple, blue, and green depending on the gender. It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. Beana Bird - The Beana Bird is a two-headed creature with reptilian skin, the feet of an eagle, and eyes that shone beams of light. One of it's heads holds the other at the neck, bending the creature into a circle. It usually moves by rolling itself like a hoop, and can go in any direction in this way, though it is also capable of running on its feet. They come out of hibernation in the spring, and hatch from and large purple eggs. It has extremely poor eyesight and likes to eat ants. Its bite is very deadly, because its saliva causes wounds not to heal. Yaile - is a deer with black mottled skin and the nose of a boar. there antlers are like antenae, moving in any direction at any time. They attack things by adjusting there horns to face one towards the front and one towards the back. They spear there enemy with the forward facing one while letting the backward facing one protect his back. Pixie - they are small, and average size of about five inches. They are winged, humanoid, creatures. There wings are very thin and look fragile, but are not as they seem. Wings are used for flying and a way to show ones age, for the more worn looking wings the older the pixie. Pixie are beings of mischief and malice. They spend there days pulling pranks on humans, elven people. When angered they are extremely dangerous, they can cut you with there razor sharp fingers, there bodies can heat up to about 500 degrees and there spit is like acid on human skin, and a bite from a Pixie is lethal. They can also for as long as five hours enlarge there size to human size, and use there magic to conceal themselves to looked like humans, this normally is because they have fallen for a human, and wish to be with them. There are three different species of Pixie, Unda Pixie, Aer Pixies, and Humus pixies. Aer Pixies are normally green in color, with pointed ears and there eye come in shades of red, blue, green, yellow, and brown. There hair Can be multicolored or not, coming in shades of green, blonde, brown, black, red, and orange. They are offend found in tree hollows, forest, and roof tops. Humus Pixies are the smallest of the different species, There skin is normally some shade of tan or brown with a white undertones. There hair comes in colors of brown, yellow, black, and gray as do there eyes. they have pointed ears and are offend found in bogs and muddy places, or in secretly inhabiting humans houses. Unda Pixies normally are one color, greys, pinks, purples, blues and whites. There skin, hair, wings and eyes all are one of those colors. They glow in the moonlight and are found near any kind of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. They have pointed ears, teeth and fingers. Nymphs - Are divine spirits who animate nature. They are beautiful, and young looking humanoid people, who love to dance and sing. Although they can never die of old age nor illness, and can give birth to nymph children, they are not immortal, and can die, by being slain, or kept away from there home for more then a week. There home is where the nymphs are born, and live. They dwell in mountains, forest and groves, by springs and rivers, and also in trees and in valleys. It is said that if a human drinks the water from where the nymph spirits live, they will discover pure bliss. Nymphs never stop the party. They also can breed with a human, producing a half human/half nymph, normally they don't live past the age of 5, for a half nymph is a very sickly. Basilisk - Is a small purple snake, that is so venomous, it leaves a slimy trail of venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal, they reside deep in the jungles of Selymar, living solitary lives in and around their underground burrows. Will o' the Wisp - They are small ghost-like light spirits, seen by travelers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. They resemble a flickering lamp and they recede if approached, drawing travelers from their safe paths, or leading them to one. Murk trolls - Murk Trolls live in the dirtiest areas of Aveeno and those who know this stay as far away from such places as possible. The Murk Troll is a well muscled green skinned ugly creature. Thankfully has little intelligence, and only wants to hit things and tear them apart with its bare hands. They Collect bones. Ogre - Large, hideous, manlike monsters that eat anything made of meat. They are not very bright, though they are surly, misanthropic, and venomously cranky creatures. They are inarticulate giants and are usually found wandering the grasslands and dense forests. Wielding large clubs, and boulders. They are very strong. [/hider] [hider=Magics] Work in progress [hider=Magic Bloods] [hider=Singer Magic] [u]Animal-Singer[/u] - They have the ability to communicate with animals, and understand them. They can influence an animals behavior. They have the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions. [u]People-Singer[/u] - The rarest of the Singer abilities. People-Singers use their voices to persuade others rather easily. They have the ability to force others to obey their spoken commands, and can control minds by using the sound of their voice. They are naturally charismatic and influential. They can change the emotions of others around them, and people are naturally drawn to them. Many People-singers have empathy ability to feel the emotions others. The can speak/read/write all languages. (Their has only been 5 documented cases of people-singers in the last 150 years. It is very rare.) [u]Fire-Singer[/u] - Ability to create and manipulate fire/heat to ones will, and some can even generate and direct lightning. A majority of Fire-singers are Dragoth people. [u]Dream-Singer[/u] - They have the power to enter another person's dream, but they cannot control the dream, though they can insert ideas, and false memories into a persons mind while they sleep. Precognitive dreaming is another thing they can do, this is the ability to see the past, and present through dreaming. They can create Illusions by manipulating how other people perceive reality even when they are awake, but this can backfire as it causes extreme stress and fatigue to the Dream-singer. By touching an object or person they can see the history of it, this ability takes focus, and if its a person they have to be willing. They also can put people to sleep, and cause drowsiness by closely blowing into someones face. [u]Blood-Singer[/u] - Can rapidly heal others by touching them, when they are in pain, or wounded. Can also heal oneself when hurt. The pain taken from healing someone is stored in the singers body, and they are able to transfer that pain into others through touch. Can not cure disease or illness, but they can repair the internal damage the disease causes. [u]Energy-Singer[/u] - The ability to generate and propel charges of electricity ranging from minor to fatal voltage. They also have the power to leech physical energy from an object, creature, or other energy source, which they can use for themselves or transfer to another. When using their ability, ones hands will glow. During more intense use, their entire body may glow. They can generate a translucent forcefield out of energy. The forcefield, like an actual solid, can be used as a protective barrier. [u]Flora-Singer[/u] - The power to control plant-life. One can cause plants to grow, and revive withered plants. They can shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, grass, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, and flowers. Most Nasmyra druids are plant-singers. [u]Water-Singer[/u] - Can control and manipulate water in all its forms (vapor, ice, steam). They can also change water from one state to another. [u]Wind-Singer[/u] - They control and manipulate air. Many Wind-Singers are employed on sky ships to control the air currants and help propel the ships. They can also purify air. [u]Stone-Singer[/u] - Is a form of communication through a specific stone called Kater Stone. A silent form of speech that will work anywhere where there is Katar stone. All one has to do is to use shared common memories while keeping touch with the stone so the speech flows through the stone to other touching it. If one does not share the common memory they will get the closest like-form that they have of a memory. Stone-Singers also have an affinity for all forms of rock/stone/metals/gems but mainly Katar. [b][i]Only[/i][/b] the native people of mount vardan are stone-singers. The Vardanian people all know by heart the traditional song and stories of Vardan. The songs have meanings and messages to them that aid one when stone-singing, and relaying information. [u]Earth-Singer[/u] - They have the ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms, including lava, though solid rock is much easier to manipulate then mud and magma. Sand is practically impossible to manipulate as they must focus on each individual grain of sand. [/hider] [hider=Magic Born] l[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Magic Users] [hider=Witch] l[/hider] [hider=Warlock] l[/hider] [hider=Sorcerer] l[/hider] [/hider] [/hider]