The walk had done some of its magic on Victor, the city was a stunning and breath taking sight, and another bonus was that the traffic was moving at a snails pace because a lot of people were heading in the same direction as he was, their intent, most likely the same. However, the time he had during the walk gave him some room for thought, it raised several questions about why this was happening. They were to meet 2 of Chinas most powerful ESpers, so, why was this? Maybe it was a play of power, showing all of the [i]Gaijin[/i] that China was a very powerful nation, of course this seemed a little counter productive as the world already knew that China was a powerful nation, it has been since the dawn of civilsed humanity, upon which China was the recorded first. So, maybe it was a little more unsavoury than that. Whilst a dictatorship is, in Victors opinion, the best form of government there was always a chance... or rather almost a certainty the dictator was inept and a callous fool who was power hungry and had the ego to match, generally they had the ability to rule over a shrimp stall with their management skills, and even that was pushing it. Li Huang, however, seemed on the surface to be a sufficient ruler; China was benefiting greatly under his rule after all and their acceptance of outsiders had became a great deal more evident. Something that would warrant further thought later, Victor mused as he came up to the destination, a large building that reminded him of an Amphitheater, the purpose was likely of a similar kind. There were a great deal of people here, the hustle and bustle was immense, as was the sheer size of the building it could easily seat at the very least half of the city's population, but this amount of people made Victor all the more cautious, after all pick-pockets could be a serious problem here, so he made sure he had a firm grip on Mansumune, which only the very tip of the hilt and the very bottom of the lacquered saya was visible, unless you looked at a certain angle. The people themselves were of all colours and backgrounds, this was without a doubt. There was not a single consistent piece of clothing amongst any of them, however there were some who stood out from the crowd more so than others these people would no doubt be of some interest later on, but at the moment he would simply get a drink and wait for the announcement that the event was starting. After getting himself a cup of tea; which paled in comparison to the caliber he normally drank he simply watched the crowd, waiting for someone of note to catch his eye, maybe someone from Japan, or maybe an ESper, now that would be interesting Victor thought, a small smile made its way on his lips as he took a sip from his drink.