[h2]Korrigan Umbraisis, Barrier Sea Coastline, Lugere[/h2] Korrigan was walking the forest road along the Barrier coast, traveling towards the capital to respond to the king's summons, when he heard a familiar cry coming from nearby. 'Wait a minute, is that Neva? What's he doing here?' Neva was the legendary guardian for House Skyheart, and his master is Sophia Skyheart, so if he was here and making that kind of noise, that meant the Sophia was there as well and she must be in some kind of trouble. Korrigan moved quickly, coming upon Neva screeching and moving about and another man appearing to try and calm the bird down. But what immediately caught Korrigan's attention was Sophia's limp body, as she wasn't moving at all, with some blood running down the side. Korrigan quickly ran past the man, not waiting or asking for permission as he went to unbuckle Sophia, his eye's filled with a good amount of worry for one of the few friends he had in the world. His eye's glanced at the other man, wondering if he was the cause of this, but quickly deciding against the notion. If that man had done it, he'd have been an bloody mess on the ground right now. "Neva, quit moving already, you'll make what ever damage that has been done worse by flopping her around like that." If Neva stopped, than Korrigan would gently remove Sophia from the saddle and lay her on the ground, placing her head on a tree root to keep it elevated. He'd then reach into his pack to pull out some basic medical supplies. Nothing much, just some bandages and oran berry salve, but it was better than nothing and should be fine until they get her to a more practiced healer. Once he had the wound dressed, he'd turn to the man he'd found trying to help. "Do you have any idea how this happened?"