[b]Name: [/b]Linnis 'Lin' Roigh - Diana [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Rank: [/b]Disciple [b]Appearance: [/b]Linnis's appearance is greatly marked by heritage as a young woman of the northern Gauls. Her long hair is a vivid shade of red, though while in Rome she tends to resort to natural dyes and solutions to try and darken it. Her skin is quite fair, with her face, shoulders and upper torso being covered in a light dusting of freckles. She's taller than the regular Roman woman, standing at about the same height as a Roman man. She sports an athletic, agile build of compact muscles and subtle feminine curves that may be hidden with the appropriate clothing. Her eyes are a pure blue color and full of quite resolve. [b]Equipment:[/b] Most of the time Linnis get to wear no greater protection than the dresses and tunics of Roman women, though at all times she carries at the very least a dagger hidden somewhere among her clothes and small pills of poison. However, only when under the patronage and working for the Assassin's can she afford to show her true colors and wield something more suitable for their hidden work. Then she wears light clothing, a hood to conceal her appearance and face and light, leather armor for protection, favoring trading defense for mobility. For assassinations she's a deadly shot with bow an arrow and also carries around a roman gladius to complement her dagger. [b]Personality:[/b] Linnis is more than anything an untamed spirit, with a great dedication to the cause of freedom taught to her by the Assassin order of Rome. An usually subdued person in her manner of speaking if not her actions, Linnis has become by necessity somewhat of an actress, capable of hiding her true feelings and playing up a convincing facade. While taking her cause seriously as well as having some topics which never fail to spur her into action, Linnis true self tends to be quite a laid back individual taking what life throws at her in a stride. while her time as a slave has made her rue the institution of taking away a man's or woman's ability to decide their own fate, she has no problem in a life of servitude and duty as far as it is something the individual has chosen for themselves. [b]Bio: [/b]The woman now known as Diana was once the single daughter and offspring of a Gaul tribe-leader far away from the Roman Empire. The man's wife was unable to produce a heir for her husband for many years, which lead to him having a good number of bastard children and believe her barren until the day when she got pregnant with Linnis. The tribes-leader was an aging man by this time which made him soft enough to accept and cherish the single daughter his wife gave him. Thus, Linnis grew up a doted upon and loved child, whose boyish tastes drove her to the pastime of the hunt, which her father indulged her upon. She learned how to use the bow, the hunting spear, axe and dagger from him and his personal huntsman, and her childhood was filled with excursions into the forest to chase after rabbit, boars and deer. Unfortunately, her life of joy would soon come to an end at age 15... when the Roman legions finally reached her tribe. Her father would not allow her to take part in the actual combat, though from their hill fort she used her skill with the bow to aid in the defense of her home in vain. By the end of the fighting, her father lay dead, her bastard brothers the same and she, her mother and a good part of her tribe were enslaved by the Roman army. As a virgin Gaul 'princess', even if she came from an insignificant tribe, she was brought straight to Rome to be sold in the markets for a hefty sum. There she was given the Roman name of Diana due to the story of her use of the bow in defending her home. The following years were harsh for Linnis, whose rage, fear and sadness caused her to mindlessly lash out and disobey the men who owned her. She grew a reputation as an ill behaved slave and passed from owner to owner as they sought to get rid of her. However, years of servitude and punishments tempered the young woman, who eventually learned how to hide her feelings and to act in a manner pleasing to the people ruling her destiny. For a time, it seemed like she had been finally tamed and accepted her fate as a slave, even if only by keeping her true feelings hidden away. However, this complacent state would last a very short time... as she soon got sold to a new master. This one was a greedy and utterly cruel man, a tyrant in his household and possessed of a sadistic streak. Met with unfair punishments, a bleak reality and the despair of the other slaves of the household, something broke inside the young woman... something that reminded her of her years as a free woman. With a cold determination growing within her, Linnis eventually manipulated her way to come closer and closer to her master... and one fateful evening, taking advantage of the trust placed in her due to her meek nature used a kitchen knife to murder him. Linnis then ran away into the streets of Rome, certain that she'd now live a short life as a vagrant and an outlaw. What she didn't know was that her previous Master was on the sights of the Assassin Order of Rome... and her slaying of him was enough to arouse their curiosity. One of the members acted as her patron, approaching her and offering a new vision of the world, security and a purpose. With nowhere else to go, the 19 year old Gaul was taken in by the Assassins... and learning of their motives and views embraced the guild wholeheartedly. Taking her previous lessons of fighting to mind, she further refined her skills and body to become a true fighting member of the Order. As a woman, she could get in places some of the other members could not, thus learning how to become a spy and to refine he skills as an actress to take on several roles. However, her legal position is a bit of a complication... in Roman records, she was never freed and so she would be the property of the heir of the man she slew. Given that her true name would put her at best as a runaway slave and at worst a murderer, she takes on many names and lives her life serving different men of the order, posing as their slave, secretary or another unremarkable position to avoid drawing inquiry into her. However, when she's not acting as a maid, hired help or attractive lady of company to the members of her Order or their targets, she's skulking in the shadows, putting bow and sword to good use slaying those who have crossed the objectives of the Assassins. One final detail to put in mind, is that given her life and that at age 24 she has still bore no children means that either she's barren or at least as infertile as her own mother was. [b]Skills/Strengths:[/b] Linnis is a woman in quite fit shape, agile, strong and athletic. She depends on her speed and skill in combat, being in general weaker and less resilient than her male opponents. She has great skill with the bow, sword and dagger and is currently training to also use spears or axes, though the chances of using those in assassinations are a bit low. Linnis is a good actress, having spent a good part of her life playing numerous roles and pretending to be someone she is not. Despite the rough life she has gone through, she's a pretty woman though her build allows her to hide her femininity when wearing the right kind of clothes. Finally, she knows both the Gaul and Roman tongues and has recently learned how to read and write. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Her biggest weaknesses come in the form of her dubious legal standing as a runaway slave, lacking any solid documentation that would allow her to live with her own name in freedom. She does not know the Greek tongue as well as some other fine points that a Roman lady would have been taught by her age. With her height, freckles, hair and eye color, she's quite a memorable individual, which makes it so that she has to be very careful in assassinations not to be recognized by others and take measures to hide her more distinguishing features.