The alarms could be heard through-out the entire ship, including the first class. Only some more laughter was heard over the intercom. "Sheesh, can't I get a moment's piece of mind?" Stevie quickly raided the fridge for another Vodka Bottle and Coke, quickly dropping them in his bag. "Come on Kid! He yelled, grabbing Devon by the wrist and pulling him into the hallway. "One of the Crazies must be in the control room. Once we get up there, we should be able to take over. And get our caaaaaaaaaSHIT!" As the two entered the Casino, they realized it was mostly empty, except for a giant stage gimmicked for someone named "The Mysterious Jericho". On the stage were ten crazies, five of them looked like dancers, assistant to a magician. Each one wore a different colored dress, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Orange. (There must've been six before because they wore the same dress of the one Crazie Stevie killed. Only she wore purple.) There were also five other crazies, three guards, and two guys in Hawaiian Shirts. (Stevie was beginning to feel there was a pattern in what these guys wore to indicate strength.) "This ain't good." Stevie quiped. "LADIES! AND GENTLEMAN! BOYS AND GIRLS! STEP RIGHT UP TO SEE THE MYSTERIOUS JERICHO! AS HE RIPS OPEN THE REMAINING PEOPLE ON THIS SHIP!" Suddenly a magician wearing a white suit, top hat, and cape jumps at the top of the structure. Carrying......oh god......STEVIE'S MAGICAL ONE USE CHAINSAW! (A regular chain saw that was solar powered and never ran out of Juice.) Stevie looked up, the entire room was covered by a skylight and it was a REALLLY sunny day outside. "This is not good at all."