It took about half an hour for the land to stop spinning rapidly. The remnants of that morn's breakfast were thrown up in the dirt, grilled trout with a side of grilled trout and for desert? More grilled trout. Enjoying the taste of fish as he might be, Pilsky couldn't help but wish he had a bit more variety to his diet. He stood up slowly from the log he had taken as a seat. The corners of his vision still wobbled, but he was getting better as time passed. He bent over to pick up a small crate, the contents of which being a huge load of shellfish he intended to sell at the market. Their meats would be certainly worth something right? That was, if there still was a town. Pilsky really had no idea what things were like in Uponhill. The whole place could just be a burning wreckage ransacked by natives and he hadn't known for weeks. That, or the place could be a thriving industrial town, complete with giant factories and roving fields of food. You never know. Along with the box, he tucked the strap of a small leather sack that held various fancy looking shells. Those he would sell to anyone foolish enough to want to make it into jewelry or a necklace. He had spent the last night scrubbing them up and making them shine, so they had better be worth the effort. Along with those was a small lunch of grilled trout... and a bit of carrots! His feet stamped down onto the earth as he made his way through the forest towards the town. Pilsky had made sure his rowboat was tied up, quadruple knotted, so he had no worry of someone stealing it. It was only after twenty minutes of walking did he make his first discovery. A dandy little cabin with a fast growing field. A man standing in it waved to him, and he waved back. It felt weird seeing a person for the first time in oh, say... two months? It was surprising how quickly the time had passed and how he hadn't gone mad at being alone for so long. Other than brief trips to the land to gather up water, and maybe a bit of scavenging for berries and what not, he had been on the ship alone for the major of his stay at the colony. After he had passed out of sight of the cabin, he stopped and stood still, not knowing what to do. He shook his head and slapped himself on the wrist for stopping. Things were very different as he reached the actual town. It was extremely different from the first months. It actually looked like... a [i]town.[/i] People walked around doing their daily chores and he was shocked by the sound that emanated from it all. He was used to the relative silence of the waves and the seagulls that haunted his deck. There was some semblance of an inn, that or it was a boarding house. There were more things as well, from a tanner to a seamstress, to even a blacksmith that had a interesting man walking away from it. The doctor. Pilsky barely remembered the man, but he knew one thing, and that the man was a doctor. He looked around for a moment, wondering if he should tell the man. For the past few weeks, things had been going south for his teeth. His gums had been growing red and bled slightly from time to time, that and his teeth, though not in amazing shape to begin with, had begun to rot slightly. "Oi, doc! Doc, over here!" He called as he jogged over.