[b]Naarden, Naarden Peninsula, NFRU[/b] With proper introductions afforded the Proletariat-General, Inspector-General, and Zho Czinya were directed to the modest vehicle provided by the Naarden Republic's diplomatic ministry; a four door automobile with a simple Naarden Flag emblazoned on the side of the driver's door. As soon as they were bustled inside Erhard Brant took the time to open his briefcase and retrieve the appropriate paperwork necessary for continued discussion on the matter. The moment the vehicle's engine was revved and the automobile was in motion the Proletariat-General turned to Zho, offering the paperwork. "This, Mevrouw Czinya, is a copy of the offers granted by the Republic Representatives to me to share, in turn, with you and your government. Along with it is a unique offer that may hold some merit to you and your esteemed Empress. I shall speak on that first, if I may: With the referendum to see Damiaan Ferdinand Gerd van Haanrath reinstated to position as Prince of Naarden there arises a unique opportunity. The son of Damiaan, Bastiaan Alfons Braam van Haanrath, would be reinstated to position of prince underneath his father and would, indeed, be an eligible bachelor for Empress Cyzin Ao; considering he is only sixteen a royal union could be quite fitting. Such a union would show the world that you are not some backwater slave to the Irodein imperialist pigs to the South. Which of course brings me to another matter of note: My government intends to express it's recognition of your sovereign status as a people and state as soon as this diplomatic is over, provided you do not appear to be Imperialist puppets come only to insult us. This, of course, is obviously not the case. Beyond that, the Republican Representatives have given the Federal Government the go ahead to officially enter a defensive alliance with Cyzin with the interest of protecting a people newly freed from tyranny by their own hands. Along with such an offer comes a proposal: the Gezamenlijke Speciale Tactiek Opleidingsschool trains the greatest soldiers in the Syndicalist world, perhaps even the world at large, and the military command from the school has seen opportunity in offering you such elite forces to fill the role of military advisers to see your military modernized. With such training would obviously come the equipment required for such modernization for decreased prices. The Federal Government would as well seek to help industrialize your nation by giving member unions rewards for expanding into your nation, bringing trade and increased infrastructure paid for by said unions. There stands, beyond this, one more course of action that may appeal to you. Though my government is willing to aid you to a great extent your economic policy remains an issue with RSI. If your nation was to implement Syndicalist styled ideals, most notably democratic workplaces rather than managerial run work places and the legalization of Unions within your country, the other Syndicalist countries would get behind you. As well as this, RSI would officially designate you a revolutionary state much like the Republics once were, over two decades ago. With such a designation you would receive arms, supplies, medical aid, and an assortment of other boons: all this requires is economic concessions for the working people. Along with this, membership with RSI would be offered and as such the military protection that grants. The Irodeins would be hard pressed to fight against the Cyzin, Dereham Republic, Federal military forces, and numerous other armed forces capable of defending each other's shores. Obviously we would not expect you to accomplish such feats but steps taken towards such endeavors would certainly garner much friendship from the Syndicalist states."