Continuing to cling to his seat, the tall pale man looked out the window, watching as as the mechanism raised them higher from the ground. Despite how uncomfortable he was with vehicles in general, including carnival rides, he didn't say anything or complain and just tried focusing on the pleasant view they had. Listening to Aaron whistling a tune, the lavender eyed man took a deep breath to calm his nerves. As Aaron suddenly asked a question about how this whole town was pretty much a bunch of assholes and the church girl spoke how 'misguided' they were, Alver couldn't help but give a grunt in response. In his opinion, misguided could just mean they are a bunch of idiots. [color=Plum]"...Seems that way.... Their 'misgiided' ways seem to enjoy looking on those who are different. Apparently doesn't matter if it's by looks, personality or just who you are.. If it's off the norm, you might as well be considered rats that they want to use mousetraps on to get rid of them."[/color] Alver answered bluntly, his light eyes looking down at the land below. Watching as people scurried about in their own business.