Dr. Kelly Scott strolled into the surgeons' break room as though he owned the place. Wearing dark shades, three days of growth, a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt with a white dress shirt over it, and a pair of scuffed up Nikes carrying a series of folders he said, [B]"Ladies and Gentlemen the Great Scott has returned from a week in the land of Mai-Tais and year around 70 degrees."[/B] He chuckled at the end and smiled as the few who were in there looked up from either their reading, meals, or the other conversations. Scott exchanged hi-fives and hellos with everyone. One of them asked, "Yo Scottie! How was attending the Pacific Northwest Surgeon's conference once again?" Scott sat down and said, [B]"I'll tell ya Dave. Oh my the pain and suffering that we had to go through for a week. Up and going for Breakfast at 8, lectures at 8:30, and having to suffer through them until 10 am when the Golf Courses open. Wow! Some of the longest 90 minutes of my life."[/B] A young lady walked up to him and asked, "Did you bring me back Tom Selleck like I asked?" Scott shook his head and replied, [B]"Sorry Belinda. Couldn't pull it off."[/B] He pulled out a folder from the stack and said, [B]"But I hope this will do."[/B] Dr. O'Neil took the folder and opened it up. Her mouth slowly dropped open as she said, "I don't believe it. How did you do it Kelly?" Belinda was holding an autographed photo of Tom Selleck and Scott standing together. The autograph read, "To Belinda, wish you were here-- Aloha Tom Selleck." He replied, [B]"Well I got out late one morning and everyone else was paired up, so I had to hope for another group who needed a forth to show up. About twenty minutes later there was a group that needed. One of the members was the casting director, and we got to talking and hit it off because we both like the 49ers. I also mentioned how you and I fans of the show. Later that night there was an all access pass delivered to my room to be on set the next day. I went there after the lecture the casting director showed me around and introduced me to Tom. Really a great guy and I had great time that day. The house they film at isn't as big as it is on TV though."[/B] She threw her arms around her and said, "Thank you Kelly! Thank you!" Kelly smiled and said, [B]"You're welcome Belinda." [/B]Kelly stood up and pulled out a tie from a folder and quickly scanned the other files he had with him, They were patient reports from the doctors who were covering for him while he was in Hawaii, and he nodded and said, [B]"Good deal no one died. Can't wait to hear some of these stories."[/B] Just then someone came through the door and said, "Hey Dr. Bosworth is on her way to OR C code blue looks like a thrasher too." Scott looked at everyone and said, [B]"Hey let's go see Wonder Woman save a life."[/B] Scott was on his way to the OR theater, and whistled "Pretty Woman" on his way. He knew of Sara Bosworth and had nothing against her. Kelly didn't pay her much mind, because they didn't really run in the same circles. Although he had to admit two things one she was beautiful, and two she was one of the best surgeons he had ever seen hence the nickname for her. Scott started to climb the stairs to the viewing room, but had a change of thought. He quickly went into the changing room and put on a set of scrubs, scrubbed in, and gowned up. Scott walked in and heard Sara's command for morphine. The assistant looked around and Scott grabbed a syringe and inserted it into her arm. Once he made the injection he grabbed two liquid ice packs and slammed them on the ground. They were now open as he put one on each side of her head and held her head in C-spine control. He said, [B]"The ice should keep her awake."[/B] He shouted, [B]"Name!"[/B] and the nurse said, "Barbara Campbell." Kelly nodded and said, [B]"All-right Barbara we're here to help you. Just stay calm and we can do our jobs, and you can help us by not thrashing about like hammerhead in a boat."[/B] In a reassuring voice he said, [B]"Easy now. Easy there."[/B] Just then he started singing "Tiny Bubbles" and this got her attention as she calmed down largely thanks to the morphine. Kelly shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, [B]"A week in Hawaii what can I say?"[/B] He looked at Sara and said, [B]"Hello again Dr. Bosworth. Good call with the morphine."[/B] He nodded and said, [B]"Okay what's next? What do you need from me?"[/B]