[h1]Prelude to the storm[/h1] [hider=C2 BUILDING][img]http://images.complex.com/complex/image/upload/t_article_image/kafbfchgopqvr43ib0lg.jpg[/img][/hider] As hundreds of thousands, numbers increasing. The man named Dr. Richard Queen entered the center stage, his device and invention the Madou Sphere Field is something he self proclaimed an accelerator that will surpass his predecessor's invention. The C2 Building, also known as ground zero building, the largest building to exist in Tian Jin city. In the area of range, the building is designed to withstand any form of heat, cold, and magnitude. It also absorbs pure energy as an arc reactor to keep the city prospering its energy to nigh limitless levels. It is not the main core of the city but the core is located at the orbiting satellites in the city. These satellites link to each daily devices which acts as service providers and service technicians/assistance for further advancement and fail safe control and hacking. The key cores are implanted into the hearts of the Board of Directors. The satellites can also be used as a weapon remotely which has Anti-Esper and magic ray field blasts. [b]"A very good evening to you all. We don't look back to the past as I would say in my interviews, you all know me; Filthy rich Scientist who keeps making everything possible for this city and for the world but people, let me tell you. Tonight is the night that my love for this city will be reminded again and again. For the past century and during that point of time, we have struggled and moved on from the battles we fought and that is all thanks to my predecessor, Elias Queen. Tonight is the night that I present to you the[u][b] Deluxe Madou Sphere Field[/b][/u]. With a simple push of a button. Everything we know right now will flash forward and refine us to the future. This invention is a tribute to Elias Queen for a new era awaits us. This device will give us unlimited knowledge and the possibilities that seem impossible will become possible. This device is the equivalent of time and space as one that will make us updated to everything and anything. Imagine the constant updates of the D.M.S.F. With it, the world that was impossible before which became possible with Elias and what's impossible now will be forever be possible and the truth. I present you, the truth."[/b] [b]D.M.S.F also known as Truth Weiss. The Vessel of Magic Knowledge/ Gifted doll that is a medium to the device a conduit to initiate launch.[/b][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11005519_1036886032992806_652461215_n.jpg?oh=682e95c6bd7129ca2e5253e7da852b5c&oe=54F15057&__gda__=1425162823_fb2484b5f66c1bf2dc74cb67ce612b90[/img] [b]"This being is what you call a rare specimen. A doll of knowledge or the Vessel of Magic Knowledge that my predecessor created but as we all know. Science is the truth and Magic is just an advanced form of Science. Eureka everyone. Daddy's every little girl."[/b] He said. The vessel of magic knowledge is known as medium and is named Truth, she is implanted with the scientific device, D.M.S.F to accelerate the everything in process. Truth glows as white, and burning bright like the phoenix. Her eyes are Godly in everyone's presence. [b]"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Truth Weiss. I am happy to serve you."[/b] Her hands are radiant light and radiating a synthesis aurora of light in the sky, different rifts and colors we don't know of. [b]"Ladies and Gentlemen, Truth Weiss is working!"[/b] Everyone applaud. [h3]Ming Yu[/b] [b]"You see Uncle. This dude can make everything come true. We can all believe in truths if what his saying is truth. Maybe you'll stop being gloomy if reviving the dead is possible and Mei Fang emitting electricity out of her ass."[/b]. He asks Ellis to to sit on his lap.