[b]Annette Delauney, C2 Building[/b] Well, this place was filling up fast, and it had to be a logistical nightmare for the government, with all these foreigners showing up. But that was the result of arbitrary decisions like that. You'd think that the government would know that. But apparently not. So she walked about, viewing the crowds, as she looked for her amusement. As it turned out though, amusement and activity would find her first as some brave soul came yup to her, speaking in French. She looked him over, getting the distinct impression that he was some sort of tourist, if the luggage was anything to go by. It was another sign of the incompetence here, that had been prompted by the abrupt call to gather here. And it wasn't surprising that there would be some other Frenchmen here as well. "Oui, il est, monsieur," she replied in turn, a slight grin turning the corners of her lips as she fixed her attention upon the man. There was some surprise at the fact that he apparently knew her name, but she quickly submerged that surprise as she looked down to see the badge. Well, that was interesting. "Indeed, but sadly I don't have much of a choice in the matter," she sighed. At the same time, she began planning out what to do, using the advantage given by her sunglasses to check behind him for other agents. If this was some sort of Interpol operation, then she'd have to be prepared to get out in a hurry, especially if they knew and were prepared for the full extent of her abilities. But she attempted to convey none of that as a hand rested on her hip, displaying all signs of ease. Fortunately, he seemed to realize that his presence could be taken the wrong way, though she wasn't entirely convinced of his professed innocence in presence. Call it a force of habit. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Leon," she answered, drawing on her skills in social interactions to give him the due grace he deserved. "Just seeing the sights, looking for some excitement." It was the truth, but she'd leave it for Leon to choose whether he could believe her or not. An eyebrow rose at the mention of a murder investigation, her interest piqued. She was hardly concerned about getting attacked herself, given her skill and abilities, but it did promise something interesting. "Sadly, I haven't," she replied with a shake of her head. "Kidnapping is so...distasteful. I could look into it though, with the right...persuasion." The intent there was obvious. If Leon wanted her help, he was going to have to make it worth her while. At that point the presentation began, and Annette turned to watch, but she wasn't as impressed. She was no scientist, but what the good Doctor was talking about sounded crazy, and until she saw some proof that he was uniting space and time in a single form, or whatever, she wasn't going to believe him. Sure, there were the lights, but that was hardly proof of anything given technology that was present, and it was more than possible that that was a clever simulation, so she treated it with healthy skepticism. At the same time, she kept an ear open for Leon, and what he might try next.