“That didn’t sound very convinced.” She chuckled, her wings coming up to fold to the side of the chair. “Sorry if I startled you there. I just haven’t seen you around and I couldn’t help myself.” She explained, her eyes catching his hands sliding off the table and exploring his dish curiously but she didn’t question it. Her voice was bright and melodic and her tone - friendly and easygoing. She sounded like she was talking to an old friend, even if she’d only just met him. “Hefty meal for a breakfast, did you not eat anything last night? There was a party and there was some lovely food there.” She said, taking a bite of her banichka. The salty flavour exploded in her mouth and made her eyes narrow in delight. “Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t all that startled. Just wasn’t, uh, expecting company.” Lucaris gazed at the remains of his meal as Tokarin mentioned his meal. Compared to what Tokarin had brought the meal did indeed seem like a lot of food. Although Lucaris felt as though her meal was much too small. “Not really. I arrived fairly late to be honest. Plus the food was quite, erm, small. What is it that you’ve chosen for breakfast? It looks, uh, interesting.” The girl laughed and leaned back on her chair. “It's from Eastern Europe, it's layers of fried thin dough with white cheese inside. It's really salty and a bit greasy but I love it. They call it 'banitsa' or 'banichka'. Though I have a feeling you're more of a meats person so I'm not sure if you'll like it.” She pushed her plate slightly forward, offering him some despite. Lucaris tilted his head slightly as he watched Tokarin slide the plate towards him in an offer for him to try one of the so called ‘Banichka’ or ‘Banitsa’. He knew quite well it can’t have been poisoned due to the fact that Tokarin was just eating one a moment ago. Reaching forward cautiously Lucaris gave it a quick sniff. The scents it gave off were very interesting and not at all unappealing. Thinking it was better now than never Lucais took a large bite from the Banitsa. Tokarin didn’t lie when she said it was very salty as his taste buds were immediately assaulted by the sharp tang of the salt. Despite its saltiness the food itself had an interesting flavor that wasn’t too bad but also was something he’d have to become accustomed to. Contrary to its solid looks the Banitsa was very easy for him to eat due to its non-solid filling that cut down on any chewing needed. After wiping the crumbs and grease off his lips Lucaris nodded in approval before sliding the plate back across the table to Tokarin. “It’s interesting I’ll say. You really weren’t kidding about the salt. You’re right about the meat though. I definitely prefer that, but I can’t quite say I didn’t like this, erm, Banitsa outright. It was cooked far better than this meat was, heh.” “I know, right?” She smiled proudly as if she'd cooked the thing herself and dug into another piece. “I love trying new things, although sometimes it's more of a bad surprise than a good one.” She swallowed and leaned forward, arms on the table. “Do you like to travel? Where are you from anyway? Is it nice there?” Lucaris felt a little taken aback when he was suddenly asked several questions in rapid fire. Currently they were all about his previous home and his travels, but he had a small feeling the questions would extend far beyond that. Preparing himself for a potential onslaught of questions Lucaris began answering them to the best of his ability. “I can’t quite say I enjoy travelling just yet. This is my first time away from my home. I quite like where my home was, yes. My house was located deep within a forest. It was quite peaceful. I loved it there being surrounded by the trees and wildlife. My reasons for leaving, before you ask, are something I would rather not share. I am not fond of those memories. What about you, hmm? Where are you from?” “Ah! So you’re a sheltered kid, like me.” She giggled. “Well, maybe less actually. I grew up in Heaven, you know, the thing above?” She pointed to the ceiling. “It’s mostly desolated but there are a few places where you can still settle and that’s what my guardians did. My only knowledge of the surface world was what I was told and what I could see when the clouds dispersed. I’ve been on the Surface for about a year now so I know a bit more but I’m still a bit lost when it comes to some things. Like gendered bathrooms.” She giggled, slightly embarrassed. “I was happy to leave my home though. Sorry that it wasn’t quite the same for you.” “Heaven? So those wings do mean that you’re an angel. That’s pretty neat. I’ve only heard of Heaven through small comments made by my mo-- a friend of mine.” [i]No wonder she reminds me of mother. She, too, is an angel. Although how come my mother didn’t have wings when she was an angel as well?[/i] “Hmm, do all angels have wings? Are there some that don’t have any? You don’t have to answer, just a little curious.” Tokarin looked confused for a moment, then she frowned in thought, looking at the ceiling. “Yeah, all angels have wings, and all.. people who have wings like birds are angels. As far as I’m aware. Maybe some demons have wings too, I don’t know.” She frowned again, this time at the table. “We should research that, probably.” Lucaris nodded in agreement and picked at the bracelet he had around his left wrist. Noticing that Tokarin was frowning Lucaris quickly began to think of something to say to change the subject. “So, do you have one of those so-called Fragments too? Most of the students I met last night appeared to have them so I, uh, assume that all of the students here have them.” Lucaris pulled one arm out and pointed at the crystal that hung from its wrist. “I found this one not too long ago. Apparently it’s a Fragment, but I’m not so sure about it. I’ll probably be learning more about it today. Which reminds me. What sort of things do get taught around here? Rumors were that this was a place to get stronger, or that’s how I interpreted them.” Tokarin leaned forward to inspect the bracelet, cocking her head in the process. “Well, that’s a peculiar fragment, isn’t it. Usually they’re weapons or musical instruments. Yeah, we all have one of them, if you haven’t been instructed about them you should probably speak to Hazumi or Lily about it. Hmm about classes… well, we have quite a bit of training classes which will make you stronger indeed, and then we get missions on which you get to prove yourself. We also have theory and things like anatomy and.. well, let’s just say it’s fun.” She smiled brightly. “I don’t know what those last ones are, but I’ll have to take your word for it. It does seem rather interesting, though, and there’s just so much to learn about the world. I never knew how different things could be before I left. You mentioned a Hazumi earlier, right? She’s the one that, uh, stormed out of that party room last night yeah? You sure it’s safe to be alone with her? Who knows, maybe she’ll try to melt me like she did her clothes.” Lucaris smiled at the thought and silently laughed for a second as he imagined Hazumi melting someone into a puddle of liquid for something silly like looking at her incorrectly. [i]Now I kind of want to meet her, heh.[/i] “Yeah the world is so big and interesting~” The girl said dreamily, gulping the espresso down in one go and shuddering in the process. “Oh, wait, what? She melted her clothes yesterday? I wasn’t here for the best part of the celebrations, what happened? Did she actually strip? Why?!” “Well I had barely just arrived before it happened, and it happened quite close by too when it did. Although she looked as though she were about to strike some man, but held back and decided to leave the party room instead. Although her anger was strong enough to melt her clothing for some reason. It was all pretty bizarre, but that entire night was all kinds of bizarre for me.” “Wow… I missed all the fun!” She threw her arms in the air and dug into her dessert. “Yeah, she can be moody but I haven’t seen her snap at anyone to the point of trying to kill them. Maybe he was her ex or something.” She giggled and looked at her watch. “Lectures soon. I suggest you hurry with that steak.” She reminded, pointing at his plate.