Kanoa glanced at the leaf in her hand. "You want to see if you can sense anything from it, huh..." She twirled the leaf around by the stem, turning it into a green blur. Before she responded to her request, she thought about what she said about the boy's parents. "We won't mention anything about this being a supernatural occurrence, people only believe what they can see, after all..." Her eyes softened at the sight of the spinning leaf, it made a slight sound as it spun through the air, a sound that appeared a mystical orange to her eyes. She wished people could see what she saw. Raven suddenly spoke, surprising her. She had expected the girl to leave by now, instead she was volunteering to speak to the missing boy's parents on her own. There was an overwhelming amount of probity to her tone of voice, so much so that Kanoa almost felt as if she were begging. Raven didn't want an answer now, apparently she believed Kanoa would need to think about it. After Raven left, she stopped spinning the leaf and handed it to August. Only a second after August took the leaf, it ignited in an orange flame and vanished. "Fascinating, I had a feeling this was the case." Kanoa mused to herself. "We won't get much out of the parents, if we're dealing with what I think we are, speaking to them may lead us in the wrong direction, if anything." She said, taking a deep breath. She wasn't sure how this would all work out, being a leader was new to her, and while she's dealt with a few oddities in her life, she had never been in danger. Jackson, who had apparently given into peer pressure in record time, called out to her and promised to be on his best behavior. "Are you sure that's a promise you're capable of keeping? You may be fine, but what about what's inside of you? Try to understand that first." She said, hoping he wouldn't feel as though she were lecturing to him. "I'll see you all tomorrow, I have some preparations to make." [center]_____[/center] It was still early in the morning, around 8:12 to be precise. Kanoa was seated on a swing, gently rocking herself forward and backwards. Her attire was both fitting and nonsensical. She wore black boots, and a black and blue school uniform. Her skirt was reasonably lengthy, though she also had on a pair of shorts underneath it. Her shirt had long sleeves, and was lined with black fur. Her 'Hiking Gear' she called it. She looked at the forest in front of her, it was dense, full of tall trees that made the forest floor shady and dim. Her boots skidded on the gravel and she stopped. She rested her elbows on her knees, and interlocked her fingers beneath her nose. She gazed at the treetops, waiting for her club to arrive.