Smiling in kind at the admiring faces around her, crimson tainted eyes seeped through the crowd, searching for anything askew. The faint whispers in her head tugged at the back of her mind, pushing past the surface thoughts and demanding attention. There was something, perhaps someone, of interest in the area. Though there was no way to make certain of what it indeed was, as that would require her to sift through the many different tones and whispers at once. All of which would take far too long. Taking a deep breath and reaffirming her attention on the small crowd around her, Alexia cranked up the smile on her lips and flowed through the mass of people, careful not to walk too close to any person in particular. A skilled con such as herself knew better - as did half of the victims in this town. As she managed to make her way out the thick of the crowd, she took note of another similar situation to hers. Except the folks crowding around didn't seem to be smiling. What made her raise a neatly trimmed brow, however, was the sight of a lone horse amidst the sea of bodies. Beside it, a large man stood, incredibly intimidating - if of course, she was easily threatened. In close combat, she knew that this man must truly be a thing of fierce and brutal nature. It made one wonder, whether or not he was as intelligent as he was strong. Normally, the brutish types didn't hold many morals, resulting of a lack of education. Normally. Though the weathered look in his eye wove a different tale. As he trudged off with his horse, Alexia headed her own way. Despite the distraction, she managed to pick her way through the streets, notably easier than most days, a lot of people had stopped to ponder that particular spectacle, so it left a nice path for her to travel. Perhaps she should see about getting some kind of leverage on those with names that could send shivers up even the most hardened mercenary's spine. They held power that anyone would love to have, the kind that with one glance, you could kill. Magic could only give you so much, but politics - to control not only yourself but others, that was true power. Alexia hummed at the sensation fluttering around in her chest, pleasant and uplifting. The first sign that last night's bought had started to wear off. Good, there was no way she would resort to going to the priestess. She'd almost gone to her after she'd first turned, when the initial affect's had started to wear off, and she'd regained some sense. The whispers forbade her to get to close to her, however. It seemed like the magic wasn't fond of this priestess, perhaps it was afraid of her. It was a curious thing, no doubt, but Alexia couldn't ponder it long, as she caught sight of her target. The best way to get started in overtaking any in a high up position, is to get close to them. First, you'd need to get in their "ranks". One of the best ways to do that, was not to join yourself, rather, to convince someone to do your bidding from the inside. Small jobs at first, but then a little more pushing, and with the particular person in a good position themselves, they'd be able to convince other's to start a little civil conflict from within. From then on, she would take over what remained of the band of mercenaries, thieves, and the like. Power was practically knocking on her door, and she was ever so eager to answer. Licking her lips, Alexia straightened her posture, and headed off to where she knew she could find someone working for the infamous three. With silver-tongue at the ready, and power floating just beyond the tips of her fingers, the maiden headed off to the crossroads.