While everyone slept, Karnage and some of the more nocturnal demons worked to clean up the hall. He did return to his room, but only to store his suit. he paid top dollar to get one fitted for him and to accommodate his abilities. After changing Karnage helped doing things such as scrubbing floors, disposing waste, dragging inebriated party goers to their room. Karnage would have liked to say it was more interesting than that, but that's what he and a few others did for the next five hours or so. Karnage himself didn't do much else, even after he finished cleaning up. He returned to his room and booted up his laptop. There he wrote a bit about the days events. [quote=The Opening Day] The party didn't start off on it's best foot, but in the end I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Hazumi, the guest of honor, had a spat with Solus. I don't know who that guy is, but he rubs me the wrong way. I think that power's got to his head or something, like many others. It put everyone one edge. Still, it wasn't a total lost. Met a new guy Lucaris Cain. Seems like a nice enough kid but it's pretty obvious he's got a dark past. But who doesn't nowadays? I'll have to talk to him some more later and figure him out. And than there was Reiko Sonata. I sort of already knew her, but I think today was the first time I've actually approached her on my own. A nice kid but rather broody. Her Fragment is a flute, just figured that out today. Seems pretty neat. She's friends with Aurelie La-Victoire-de-la-Reine, someone else whom I don't know too well. Her singing is quite divine. I also met with Alzir. Briefly. Making a note here: Know more people. [/quote] After finishing up his entry Karnage left his room and resumed his patrols. He did not require sleep and it's not like there was much else he could do for the next few hours. Karnage roamed the school on the look out for anyone suspicious until the sun finally dawned. Many of the early birds of the school would be heading to the dinning hall right about now, so he decided to stop by himself. He could go for breakfast. Once inside Karnage waited in line, noting a few familiar and unfamiliar faces. He grabbed himself a [url=http://i.imgur.com/i9bU9RU.jpg]classic and basic breakfast[/url] before finding Lucaris. He seemed to have found a new friend as well. [b]"Good morning Cain. I hope yesterday's festivities were enjoyable."[/b]