He smirked, snorted, and stomped his feet- his usual fare in his times of need. Cause a scene? Him? Never! Well, maybe, but it was fun and he had nothing else to do. If somebody actually built stuff like him and understood half of his theories, maybe he'd be less busy putting small robotic spiders to hang out around the ship. Those were useful though; he didn't think anyone knew about them, and they had cameras that liked to a separate network he set up for the ship alone. There were only three of them, and each of them were a hodgepodge, but they worked. He was quite proud of them, too- it took him months to finish all three, and recode the ship so it didn't blow up and work with anything he made to link to it. Really, he was surprised neither the Kai or Cap asked him about it- he practically rebuilt it, only really keeping the stuff that dictates the engines and movements and the like. But he shrugged, and having completely forgotten about the grease on his face, among bits of dirt and the like that accompanied it, and similar substances across his clothing, he headed up to the mess- but not before he sat down to fiddle again with his items. So it was, after everyone had sat down, did the frazzled-mech-dazzled mechanic walked in, completely oblivious to his own appearance, and instead said, "Well howdeh everyone! Ol' Harold did to told me that we were gettin' some passen'-gers."