[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Dominic%20Greyjoy%20-%20Gif_zpsdtk3fedr.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Elsaacute%20Driacutefta%20Bryndiacutes%20-%20Gif_zpsgn3snuiu.gif[/img] [h1][color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color] and [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth[/h2][/center] Her grip tightened drastically on the steering wheel of her car as she turned into the car park of the Tahoe police station her jaw tensing as she shifted gears pulling up into one of the many open spots her movements stiff and agitated the young woman not bothering to hide her anger as she forced it into park gathering her thing up while she threw open the door, it was not how she wanted to be spending her morning that's for sure being woken up by a phone call from the police telling her that her new boyfriend had been picked up, arrested and thrown into jail when he was supposed to have come back and been sleeping beside her in the suite that she abused her power to get... It was not a very good wake up call to say the least... Taking off her seat-belt she threw it back behind her as she stepped out slamming the door of her 2013 Ford Mustang GT behind her as she began to walk across the lot her other hand tightening around her mobile and purse her nails digging into the material slightly in her anger, pressing the button on her key as she moved she listened for the click to sound telling her that her car had locked before she dropped her arm back down still dressed entirely in the [url=http://media1.fashionfreax.net/outfits/4efdc8d350b39_f528764d624db129b32c21fbca0cb8d6]same outfit[/url] she had met him in that night for their date. Dominic let out a heavy sigh from the single booth he sat in at a small, cozy cafeteria that was placed just across the police department, giving him a perfect view of the building. Pinocchio had been mischievous, even when he was first sent to Earth. But he was criminal now, a criminal who was currently making it his goal to sleep with every single girl in his care. Letting out a disgusted scoff, Dominic brought his coffee mug to his lips, taking a long drink as he kept his gaze fixed on the jail, as if daring Alan to waltz out. His gaze shifted, however, when a Ford Mustang pulled in to the parking lot, a [i]very[/i] familiar young woman climbing out of the vehicle, looking rather irate. A small smile crossing his slightly weathered features, Dominic left a few dollars tip at his table before rising and briskly heading out the cafe, half-walking, half-marching across the street to the police station parking lot. "Eliza? Eliza Brie?" He called, a warm, welcoming expression on his face as he spoke. "Huh..?" Furrowing her brows slightly she slowed her step her body turning ever so slightly as she looked around her for the source of the voice who had been calling her name her lips parting and her expression becoming one of surprise as she caught sight of Dominic rushing towards her with a bright smile on his face, the young girls mood seeming to change now becoming more relaxed as she came to a complete stop allowing the man to catch up to her completely, "Uncle Dom..! It's been so long since I last saw you... What are you doing here, you usually tell us when you're in town." Turning her body completely so that she was now facing him her expression seemed to soften her mind pushing her 'to-do' list to the side for a few moments as he caught her off guard, "Or were you not planning on staying for very long this time..?" Finally catching up to the girl who looked up to him as family, Dominic pulled her into a tight hug, displaying an almost fatherly behavior in posture, voice and expression. "My, my, you've grown. It's only been a year by my count!" Dominic exclaimed with a short laugh, planting both hands in his coat pockets. "Well, normally I would call ahead, but I wanted to surprise you this time. I've taken a couple days off from the museum, figured I'd head to the lodge for a mini-vacation. Helps that I get to see my favorite blonde-haired niece." Dominic finished with another hearty laugh. Chuckling softly at his words she let her arms slide around his body hugging him just as tightly as he was her the two of them enjoying the small embrace of their reunion after around a full year of not having seen each other, "Heheh, well that's kind of what happens as you get older, you do tend to grow up. You know get taller, smarter, though I wouldn't necessarily say that you get wiser. What did you think? I was going to stay your small little snowflake forever? I'm not a lost boy you know, things like Neverland don't exist, no matter how much we might wish for it." "Well, part of me was hoping you would. But, snowflakes don't last forever..." Dominic replied with an almost sad sort of smile, a wave of bitterness hitting him inside as she brought up how Neverland didn't exist...Oh, if only she remembered. [i]'Soon...'[/i] He told himself internally, almost as if the Sorcerer himself was imprinting on Dominic's conscious. He had been patient for thirteen years...surely he could last a little longer. Dropping her hands back down in front of her she nodded in understanding knowing that it mustn't be easy for him to get holidays very often especially in his line of work, he was an important person at the museum, it must have taken him a while to even be approved for the two days he had managed to get off, "Nawwe, Uncle Dom... I'm your [i]only[/i] blonde-haired niece. So, can I expect you at Snowfest tonight? There's, uh, someone I'm would like to introduce. I mean I've gotta ask him if he wants to come with me, but I don't see why he wouldn't come to the party." "Well, of course. I wouldn't come up to the lodge [i]without[/i] visiting Snowfest." Dominic assured her kindly before hearing out the rest of her words. "Someone you want to introduce, eh? Hm...Well, I'll be glad to meet any mystery boyfriends-- I mean friends you'd like to introduce." Dom replied, purposefully dropping the word 'boyfriend' as a slight tease at her expense. "Tell you what. It's still early, but how about we catch some lunch here in a couple hours. I'd love to catch up with you." Dominic suggested warmly with a small roll of his shoulders. Turning her gaze away from him for a few moments her cheeks turned a bright shade of red as he began to poke fun at her for finally getting herself into her first relationship her hand coming up to neatly brush some of her long wavy locks back behind her ear, "Uncle Dom... Okay, so I know that I may have walked myself into that one, but you don't have to make fun of me for it... Anyway, I'll have a chat with him and I'll see if I can get him to escort me to the party tonight; I'm sure you'll love him, he's really sweet." Dominic let out a short chuckle, "Ok, ok, I'm sorry." He apologized, though amusement was still heavy in his voice. "I'll be glad to meet him." He commented with a warm smile, a certain excitement inside him at the prospect of making Eliza's boyfriend squirm under pressure. Shifting her weight so that she was leaning over to the right slightly she nodded her stomach seeming to growl on cue letting her know just how hungry she was, "Sounds like a plan. Hey, maybe you can help me choose out a dress if it's not asking too much..? I've never really dressed to impress, and I'd love your opinion. But first I have to get some things done..." Biting her lower lip softly she twisted her upper body around slightly her hand coming up so that she was pointing back at the station where she still had to go in and bail Alan out before she even thought about bringing up the party with him. "Certainly! One's attire is quite important." Dominic replied, motioning to his own outfit, despite its rather strange appearance for this world and timeline. When she mentioned getting some things, however, Dominic's eyes traveled over to the police station, his brows furrowing slightly. "I see. Well, don't let me stop you. You have my phone number, just give me a call when you're ready and we can grab something to eat. Take care, Eliza." Dominic bid, leaning in and kissing her forehead with a fatherly smile. "I'll call you once I've finished everything I need to get done here and we can figure out the details, like where to meet and all that." Leaning in she once more wrapped her arms tightly around his body her eyes closing as she held the hug for as long as she could before she pulled away her body turning as she headed up the couple of stairs to the door, reaching out to grab the handle she paused looking back over her shoulder at him. "Thanks uncle Dom. I promise I'll call you soon." Lifting her free hand up she pressed her fingers against her lips blowing him a kiss before she pulled the door open letting it close behind her as she disappeared her smile fading as her reasons for being there in the first place came flooding back into her mind. Dominic merely smiled back in return, inclining his head in farewell. Though he and the girl weren't related at all by any means, with even the memories her father held subtly manipulated to fit his story, he viewed her as one of his own blood. "They do grow up fast..." He said wistfully before turning to leave, a mind weighed down by thought.