[b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img] http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/230/2/9/illya___archer_class_card_activated_by_kazenokaze-d6ink9b.png[/img][/center] [b]Height:[/b] 5'3" [b]Weight:[/b] 120 lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Pale Blonde [b]Eye Color:[/b] Yellow [b]Name:[/b] Sable, the Crimson Streak [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]History:[/b] The assassin known only as the Crimson Streak is a mystery and an enigma. No one knows where she came from or how she got her reputation. Actually, no, that’s false. People know full well how the girl got her blood-soaked title. However, the answers end there. All anyone knows is that she served under the Imperium for some time as one of their leading assassins before apparently defecting to take the life of a Mercenary. Wandering around for some time, fate would eventually pair her with a certain Taskmage, and the two have been partners ever since. And thus, the mystique surrounding her continues. No one knows her true name, except maybe her partner in crime. [b]Personality:[/b] Sable generally has two expressions written on her face: neutral and frowning. Perhaps at one time she was less stoic. Maybe. Now though, she'd much rather just not talk much to anyone at any time or anywhere. And if she does talk, it will be in a monotone voice and expression. As an assassin greatly feared, Sable is a killer with a stone face. Often, the last thing her victims see before their passages into death are her cold visage and blank eyes. Thus, she appears at times distant and robotic, and to some extent she really is, only allowing her mind to focus on tasks at hand. She has a polite dislike for nobility and royals in general, though she will rarely say so. Much like anything else actually. Maybe she's just shy? Who knows. The only person she says more than three words to is her partner. And even then, it’s hard to get any emotion out of her. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Vim and Vigor:[/i] A pair of black and white daggers that are noted to be oversized in appearance. They are often used both in a sword-like fashion as well as traditional dagger play. The weapons themselves lack any sort of special abilities, save for one sole function. Each of the daggers was created for the purpose of nullifying magic. As such, Sable can use them to cut away most forms of magic used against her, and the sight of her slicing away at flames of streaks of cast lightning are not uncommon. The blade’s true potential, however, can be utilized further in dire situations. When sensing a situation in which their master is in danger, Vim and Vigor will increase their anti-magic qualities to the point where Sable can severe the particles of magic in the air from at least a two-foot radius. When this state is achieved, next to all magic is canceled two feet from Sable’s form. Because of her only magic of summoning as well, Sable can also use Vim and Vigor as projectile boomerangs along side close-combat. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]RE-Arch:[/i] Sable’s only form of magic; it is a type of summoning magic that can call forth as well as store her weapons Vim and Vigor from thin air. In practical hindsight, it’s simply a convenient method to arm herself quickly. Because of this utilization, she often uses it to call her blades back to her near-instantly, making the tactic of using them as boomerang projectiles quite effective. [b]Other:[/b] Although she is known to rest of the world as either Sable, or the Crimson Streak, only one individual dares to give her the affectionate nickname, Crimson Steak. This certain person also has a bad habit of calling her other meat-themed names as well. Furthermore, the full title of her magic is “Repeatable Equip Armament”, or, “RE-Arch”.