[b]Kyle Messor [sup]Featuring: Amy Snow[/sup][/b] As Kyle stared into the fire, sitting alone on a makeshift log bench, he was utterly puzzled. Death rarely spoke when there wasn't, well, [i]death[/i] nearby, and when it did it was always calm, albeit possibly irritated at Kyle for one reason or another. But Death was speaking – screaming, rather – to him now, and as he looked around, it was clear to Kyle that nobody was dying any time soon. Even worse, Kyle had no idea what Death was throwing a fit about – it was all in Latin. He could make out a few words though: [i]cheat,[/i] a number – it could be 40, 400, or 4000; he doesn't know Latin well enough to tell – and [i]so close.[/i] Alone, these details make absolutely no sense, and thinking about it is only making his headache worse. Kyle groaned, rubbing his temples. A few moments later, he heard someone stop, behind him. They whispered something to the other girls they were walking with, and approached Kyle cautiously. "Kyle?" Amy asked, concerned. "Are you okay? You look pale, and in pain." She sat down on the log next to him. Kyle looked up at her. [i]That girl from the library... Amy, I think?[/i] "No, I'm–I'm fine," he answered, gritting his teeth in obvious pain. [i]Can you please[/i] shut up [i]already?[/i] he inwardly chided Death angrily. [i]LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CON SECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT![/i] Death responded. Kyle groaned. Amy was not convinced. “Are you sure? It looks to me like more than just a headache,” she challenged quietly. Kyle looked at her annoyed, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. “I am fine, Amy.” He sighed, looking at the fire. “I expect your friends will be getting tired of waiting,” he added. Amy looked over her shoulder at Zaylin and Luca. After a moment, she learned towards Kyle and whispered in his ear, “I know what you are.” If it was possible, Kyle became even more pale. “You… you do?” he said, worried. Amy looked at Kyle like a puzzle that desperately needed solving, before laughing. “Yes, you’re sick of course! C’mon, let me take you to the nurse. Maybe she has some aspirin?” she insisted. Sighing again, Kyle reluctantly stood up and followed her, winding through the crowd in search of the nurse.