[quote=@The Fox Without] I was kinda leaning towards a mix between Dresden files illusions and the illusion branch in elder score if that makes any sense. [/quote] I, however, am familiar with Dresden File styled magic, illusions included, and as long as you don't get godmod happy (Mainly my concern is with phantasms, not the holograms) with it, I personally see no problems with it. And I'm not sure if you tried to put Elder Scrolls and had a typo or not, since I don't recognize Elder Score, but I dont see a problem with mixing some elder scrolls and dresden files magic styles. @TheWindel: In essence, to provide an explanation, I shall quote the wiki to make things simple (For Dresden Files Magic) "Holomancy is an area of magic that deals with illusions... ...There are two ways ot create illusions: Create the image in someone else's head—a phantasm. This is close to breaking the Laws of Magic. Create an actual visible object or creature—a hologram. Harder to produce and takes an enormous amount of energy..."