As the chef declared he was after the left girl, Ryu looked at the one on the right. "Looks like you've got me then." He said before lunging towards her, his right hand curled into a fist. As he got within reach of the girl, he swung his fist at her. It connected with her jaw with a rather satisfying crack and she stumbled back, a little dazed. Ryu launched another right hook, followed by a left. Blood started to trickle from the girl's mouth. She threw her arms up in defence and another right hook connected with her arm. She was trying to fight back but Ryu was relentless and very quick. He swung a left hook under her arms into her stomach. Her arms, almost instinctively it seemed, moved from her face and covered her stomach. She gasped as the punch knocked the wind straight out her and bent forwards slightly. As she did, Ryu launched a roundhouse kick with his right foot. It connected with the side of her head and she crumpled to the floor, blood still trickling out of her mouth in a steady stream. He wasn't sure if she was dead but she was certainly out cold and that was good enough. Ryu didn't fancy killing someone unless he absolutely needed to. Ryu turned to the chef as he remarked about a cure. "Cure? So this is a disease affecting them? That's what's making them homicidal?" He asked. "I guess we're immune to whatever it is then?"