Leaving the house with a short brown scarf and a bulky aviator jacket, effort to keep warm in the frigid morning, Cory yawned in tiredness, leaving his house for the forest fifteen minutes away. As he walked, his phone played Jethro Tull through his earbuds, encouraging to bob his head to the beat as he travelled. Despite being unfamiliar with the artist, Cory found it catchy enough to let his mind wander as he made the journey. His mind dwelled on yesterday, imagining the fantastical powers that his classmates might possess. He thought of the golden age superheroes, but soon dismissed these ideas, convincing himself that his new friends would more likely have powers as unremarkable as his. Almost in time with thinking about his ability, a long line of nothingness had drawn across the chain link fence which he'd been touching while walking. Cory removed his hand quickly, squeezing it with his other as he stopped to look at the damage done. A long line, about 8 feet long and one foot wide, was made across the tall fence that separated the sidewalk from the parking lot on the other side of the chain. Sighing, Cory picked up the pace, hoping no one witnessed his destruction of public property. After a few more minutes of walking, Cory finally reached the designated meeting spot, immediately spotting the girl from yesterday, the darkness of her outfit contrasting not only with her alabaster skin, but also the blanket of snow (Not sure what the weather is like, void this bit if it's not snowy) that coated the area. Approaching, Cory gave the gothic cupcake girl a nod 'hello' before looking to Kanoa and reenacting his previous gesture, this time speaking. "Am I early?" he asks, typically not one of the first to arrive to these occasions.