[h1] UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION[/h1] [h1]Classes[/h1] * denotes Teacher's Assistant for that Class [h2]First Period[/h2] [b]ALD[/b]: Billie*, Molly, Cole, Clary, Adrian, Drakon, Salazar, Randa, Hoyt, Dahlia, Eros, Zed, Demi [b]BOT IV[/b]: Alex, Jordyn, Elizabeth, Harper [b]BLT IV[/b]: Logan, Devin, Jackie, Zach, Ezria, Joe, Lars [b]SHF IV[/b]: Heather, Cain [b]CEH[/b]: Justin, Kajun, Zaddie, Tony [b]ELM IV[/b]: Tiffany, Willow*, Riley, Ryan [b]FREE[/b]: Rose, Darren, Erin, Vinny, Maggie, Fergus, Dax, Micah, Sterling [b]HIS[/b]: Garret, Miles, Iris, Colten, Azura, Eskil, Knox*, Marcel [b]LIT[/b]: Brooke [h2]Second Period[/h2] [b]REL IV[/b]: Billie, Logan [b]ALD[/b]: Alex, Devin, Jackie, Justin, Darren, Garret, Ezria, Kajun, Cain, Iris, Joe, Zaddie, Erin, Maggie, Tony, Dax, Azura, Marcel, Sterling, Harper [b]HIS[/b]: Adrian, Molly [b]AUR[/b]: Clary, Cole, Dahlia, Vinny, Brooke, Micah [b]CEH[/b]: Jordyn, Heather, Tiffany, Miles, Eros, Fergus, Lars*, Eskil, Demi [b]FREE[/b]: Drakon, Salazar, Randa, Hoyt, Ryan, Riley, ELizabeth, Colten [b]REL III[/b]- Willow, Zed [b]BLT II[/b]- Rose [B]MAG-DARK[/b]- Knox [h2]Third Period[/h2] [b]BOT IV[/b]: Cole*, Molly, Drakon, Salazar, Willow, Ryan, Erin, Marcel [b]LIT[/b]: Jackie, Vinny, Riley, Micah, Knox [b]HIS[/b]: Logan, Devin, Justin, Randa, Rose, Zach, Darren, Dahlia, Maggie, Fergus, Lars, Zed [b]FREE[/b]: Heather, Jordyn, Clary, Alex, Tiffany, Garret, Cain, Miles, Joe, Tony, Azura, Eskil, Demi [b]SHF IV[/b]: Adrian, Hoyt, Ezria*, Kajun, Zaddie, Eros, Elizabeth, Dax, Colten, Brooke [b]HIS[/b] (Witchcraft)- Iris [B]CPM[/b]: Billie, Sterling, Harper [h2]Fourth Period: PE[/h2] [h3]Partner List[/h3] Billie and Randa Maggie and Erin and Azura Jo and Willow Ezria and Cole Clary and Ryan Tiffany and Iris Heather and Zaddie Rose and Jackie Molly and Laken Brooke and Dahlia Elizabeth and Tamika Alex and Vinny Justin and Garret Logan and Zach Riley and Cain Joe and Hoyt Sal and Drake Darren and Adrian Kajun and Colten Devin and Tony Dax and Miles Micah and Fergus Eros and Kingsley Zed and Eskil Lars and Knox [h2]Fifth Period[/h2] [b]HIS[/b]: Billie, Alex, Clary, Jo, Heather, Drakon, Salazar, Cain, Joe, Erin, Riley, Elizabeth, Dax, Sterling [b]REL III[/b]: Adrian, Randa [b]FREE[/b]: Cole, Logan, Molly, Zaddie, Lars, Zed, Knox [b]LIT[/b]: Devin, Justin, Rose, Kajun, Miles, Iris, Eros, Marcel, Harper, Demi [b]SHF IV[/b]: Jackie [b]ALD[/b]: Tiffany, Vinny, Fergus, Colten, Brooke [b]CEH[/b]- Willow [b]REL IV[/b]- Zach, Darren, Hoyt, Dahlia, Ryan, Maggie, Tony, Azura [b]BOT IV[/b]: Garret, Ezria, Micah, Eskil [h2]Sixth Period[/h2] [b]REL III[/b]: Molly, Jo [b]HIS[/b]: Jackie, Hoyt, Ryan, Vinny, Demi [b]FREE[/b]: Devin, Billie, Justin, Dahlia, Kajun, Iris, Brooke, Marcel, Harper [b]ALD[/b]: Heather, Logan, Zach, Miles, Riley, Micah, Lars, Knox [b]REL IV[/b]: Cole, Clary, Alex, Tiffany, Drakon, Salazar, Cain, Zaddie, Eros, Fergus [b]LIT[/b]: Adrian, Willow, Randa*, Darren, Garret, Ezria, Erin, Maggie, Elizabeth, Tony, Dax, Colten, Zed, Azura, Eskil, Sterling [b]CEH[/b]: Rose, Joe [h2]Seventh Period: CES[/h2] [h3]Partner List[/h3] Willow and Sal Clary and Drake Cole and Justin ~ Jo and Adrian Heather and Devin (Eros will be added to this one when he comes in) Molly and Alex Tiffany and Logan Billie and Zach Jackie and Garret Dahlia and Hoyt Randa and Miles Iris and Kajun Rose and Darren Ryan and Joe Zaddie and Cain ~ Erin and Vinny Tamika and Fergus Maggie and Riley Elizabeth and Micah Ezria and Tony Brooke and Dax Azura and Colten Eskil and Lars Zed and Knox