[center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/29qihvn.png[/IMG] [i]Yem in his transformed shape[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Yem [b]Age [/b] 205 [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, wiry, a beautiful but serious face. [b]Height:[/b] 196cm [b]Weight:[/b] 80kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]History (Optional):[/b] Yem is said to hail from one of the western provinces of the Imperium. Not much is known about his young history, but he says he was born to a pair of farmers in a small village in the middle of nowhere. He spent much of his time in the nearby forest in his youth, playing with the spirits there. He and one of the spirits eventually fell in love and became a couple. As time passed, however, it became apparent that while the spirit the spirit would live forever, Yem would die of old age. The spirit lamented this and gave her soul to him, prolonging his life indefinitely and granting him the gifts of the forest. He has been travelling the world ever since, marveling at its mysteries. According to him, at least. [b]Personality:[/b] Yem is pleasant, thoughtful and secretive. He likes to be around people and has no problem with making friends of strangers. He is the planning kind and likes to take a moment to think before acting. He also likes to keep secrets; Yem never lies but doesn’t always say what he knows. He is very fond of artistry in every kind, especially poetry. [b]Weapons:[/b] A spear made from copperwood, and a curved iron dagger. [b]Abilities (Magic):[/b] Yem has been given the soul of a forest spirit, granting him many of its gifts: [list] [*]Longevity – Yem is eternally young and will never die of old age. [*]Friend of the Forest – Yem is allied with the forest and can move through it without threat. He can survive on grass and leaves as animals do, and predators won’t attack him unless provoked. [*]Totem – Yem can transform into his spirit shape. While transformed his physical prowess is significantly empowered, as well as his senses. It is very taxing for him, however, quickly exhausting him, as his body wasn’t made to use it. [/list]