[b]Stephen O'Connell[/b] Stephen saw that Miss Reese got up and started walking around on her own. He liked Miss Reese, Teresa, he thought her name was. So what if there was an age gap? What's an age gap between two people who loved each other? Well, he loved her, he knew that much. If she loved him... he didn't know. She reminded him of his sister, in a way. Long, ginger hair, fair skin. Stephen walked over to Miss Reese. The two of them would have lovely Irish children, he thought. He got over to her, and opened his mouth, but no sounds came out. [i]Shit[/i], he thought, [i]What if she thinks I'm a member of the IRA?[/i] Stephen closed his mouth, thankfully she hadn't noticed him. He attempted to speak to her again, "Hey," he said, hoping she would be able to understand him through his thick Irish accent, "How'd you like the fire?"