[b]38.[/b] Jade's reverie ended once Evelynn's voice sounded throughout the tower, letting him know it was supper time. The silent contemplation of everything that had happened... ruined. So much for a polite host, he assumed. But still, remaining absent from the dinner table would probably make him seem just as rude to her. Thus, the elf eased himself off of the bed and headed towards the door, left the room, and descended the staircase to the dining hall. [i]Off to supper?[/i] Jade could hear Sicini's voice emanating from the orb, tucked within one of his belt pockets. He didn't bother taking it out from where it was. "I don't have an answer to your question yet, Sicini." [i]No, you don't. And I'm aware that it will take you some time. So I've decided to lend you some ease of trial. I won't bother you on the subject, I will wait patiently until you are ready. But, I will make an effort towards finding every possible outcome. Perhaps then I can share what I find with you and aid you in your decision.[/i] "I thought you were a necromancer Sicini." Jade replied, keeping his pace down the stairs. "Not a fortune teller." [i]Death does not simply encompass the end of a mortal being, Jade. So too are their fates scattered. Like a vase falling, shattering into pieces. And I know how to put them back together. There are many who died within Shatterbrain that I've the fortune of meeting. Aiding them in their recovery. Discerning the vile truths. What may be, but not what will be.[/i] Jade didn't respond. [i]Oh... my apologies. I said I wouldn't bother you for now, didn't I? Go on, enjoy your meal. I will be here when you are ready to speak.[/i] And then she was gone once more. Jade reached the bottom of the staircase. And there, seated at the entrance of the curved hallway leading further into the University, were Evelynn and three of the other Sages. She stood then, draining the glass of the red liquid and shoving it-- and the entire bottle of blood-- into Aegar's hands. "Here, hold these." Turning to Jade, she glared for a split second before giving him a smirk. "You're late. I thought I was going to age another century before you came down." She took the bottle back and filled the glass with the same red liquid, and she sipped it quietly as she turned to lead the way to the Dining Hall.