[b]Name:[/b] Capt. Carol Danvers, USN [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Alias:[/b] Captain Marvel [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://imgur.com/ewweDcX]Captain Marvel herself[/url] [b]Abilities:[/b] Carol has superhuman strength and durability, along with the power of supersonic flight. [b]Personality:[/b] EDIT: I had a brain fart and forgot to fill this out. Carol is an adrenaline junkie pure and simple. She loved the thrill of flying a jet and flying now that she has superpowers. The years of hard work and preparation to become a fighter pilot instilled in Carol a strong sense of willpower. Carol's years of military training has left Carol with a good strategic and tactical mindset when it comes to combat. She also had a slight case of PTSD from the events of her abduction but managed to work through it with help from SHIELD doctors. Carol's not exactly the brooding tortured soul superhero type, relishing in the work she does with the government and the Avengers. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=Captain Marvel] Carol was born and raised in Boston by a middle class family. Carol always had a lifelong fascination with flying and becoming a pilot. She applied and was rejected from the Air Force Academy, but managed to get accepted in the US Naval Academy after graduating high school. Her dream to serve as a fighter pilot was discouraged by nearly all her instructors at the academy, each of them citing the long and grueling process that led to the cockpit. She ignored their advice and kept going down her path, no matter how difficult or hard. She graduated from the academy in the top five of her class with a commission as a junior officer and an assignment to flight school. After going through intense physical and mental screenings, Carol passed through introductory and primary flight training with flying (*rimshot*) colors. She was then assigned to learn on tailhook aircraft, the fighter jets that serve aboard aircraft carriers. Finally after years of hard fighting and training, Lieutenant Carol Danvers emerged from training as a navy fighter pilot. Carol served six years in various carrier air wings aboard different ships. Finally, Carol was promoted to Commander and given command of Carrier Air Wing Three aboard the [i]USS Harry S Truman[/i] serving in the Pacific. One night, Carol was out on patrol duty in the middle of the ocean when a bright bolt of purple lightning struck her aircraft. The lightning caused the jet's left wing to catch on fire; the plane began to enter into a free fall above the ocean. The last thing Carol remembered seeing was a white light before she woke up back on the ship. The crew of the carrier informed her that they had founder her nearly twenty miles due west of where her jet had gone down, too far of a distance for her to have drifted given the currents at that time. Due to the crash and mysterious circumstances around it Carol was granted a six week leave in Australia when the ship docked. Waiting for her in Australia were men from an organization known as SWORD. After an intense interrogation on what went down in her jet they attempted to place Carol in custody. Carol resisted and shrugged the men off. Her shrugging had the unintended consequence of throwing the two men ten feet in the air and into a far wall. Carol reacted in horror at what she had just done and ran. Her panic and confusion tripled when she began to take flight during her escape. Carol tore across the Australian outback at speeds topping Mach 3. The Royal Australian Air Force picked her up on their radar and dispatched a pair of fighters to take out the unknown flying object. Carol used her pilot training to out maneuver the scrambled fighters. Over the outback she discovered the reason for her new and strange abilities. A tractor beam stopped Carol in mid-flight and transported her away in the blink of an eye. She found herself in a spaceship orbiting over the planet. The sole occupant of the ship was a humanoid alien named Mar-Vell. While Carol remained locked in stasis Mar-Vell informed her that he was the one responsible for her crash into the ocean, and that he abducted her aboard his ship. Mar-Vell was a scientist sent on a expeditionary mission to Earth by the Kree Empire. The Kree had taken notice of Earth after the Avengers repealed the Chitauri invasion. They moved to create an army that would be part Kree and part Human. Carol was the perfect mental and physical specimen for Mar-Vell needs, so he teleported her to his ship and spliced her genes with Kree DNA and extra genomes to grant her powers. Mar-Vell used the template of her DNA to begin cloning an army of super-powered Kree/Human hybrids. The army would protect the galaxy from its greatest threat... the planet Earth. Angered, Carol broke free of her stasis lock and assaulted Mar-Vell. The Kree scientist gave as good as he got, trading blows with Carol across the massive ship. During the fight Carol was thrown into the lab. Inside were millions upon millions of cloned samples already growing in incubation tanks. Further enraged she broke through as many tanks as she could before Mar-Vell attacked back. Losing a fight she knew she couldn't win, Carol opted for another approach. She charged towards the outer hull of the ship and broke through into outer space. Once in space, she began to push the ship down into Earth's atmosphere. Both Carol and the ship caught fire during the descent into the atmosphere. While the ship disintegrated, Carol came through in one piece. She recovered from the free fall and came down off the coast of South Africa just in time to see the fiery space ship crash into the ocean. Waiting for her off the coast of South Africa was a naval armada and representatives from several security agencies, SHIELD and SWORD among them. Carol was taken into custody by both agencies and she told them her story. SWORD attempted to place Carol in custody for further study, but Nick Fury intervened and offered a compromise. Carol would work for SWORD to assess and combat any extraterrestrial threat that didn't require the Avengers' presence. Carol would also work with SHIELD as a part-time Avengers member. For her heroic efforts Carol was awarded the Navy Cross and promoted to Captain. Carol chose the codename of Captain Marvel in order to honor her rank and not to forget that there were those out there in the stars that would use her and all of Earth as weapons. [/hider] [b]Misc.:[/b] I got rid of the concussive blasts Carol uses as Captain Marvel. I figure if we have an Iron Man then Carol can just work as a straight up tank.