Appearance: Pale with fair skin they have a somewhat doll like appearance. Their thin nature and ice like blue eyes add to this image. They have deep brown hair that looks nearly black which reaches to about their earlobes. They face is heart shaped and their shoulders are moderately broad. A toned figure, they lie somewhere between thin and muscular, albeit their arms have a surprising thickness to them. This is an outcome due to their lack of legs. Sitting in a wooden wheeled chair, they travel using their upper body to move unlike most. They wear a brown leather jacket over a deep red tunic. A blanket covers them from below, under that though are bandages. A bright red scarf that is quite worn is wrapped around their neck. They are usually also equipped with old brown leather gloves. Height: Hard to say as they are always sitting, though if they still had what they are missing, they would stand at around 5'7 Weight: 115 lbs Hair Color: Oops Eye Color: Oops Name: Rorick X. Vaile Age: Nearly 21 History (Optional): Once worked in a mine. Shares little about self unless asked by a trusted companion. Personality: A little snarky, they always mean well. Not one to jump to danger, or conclusions, they try and see the best in people. They get a real satisfaction from helping people, and though they say they don't want to be thanked, yearn for recognition. Doesn't enjoy being looked down upon. A long fuse attached to a massive explosive, once they get going, they are hard to stop. Holds a grudge. Treasures useless things and think everything, even object, should be treated with care. Quite emotional. Cries like a baby, but not in front of people. Weapons: A custom axe like weapon. It has a rectangular blade suspended by metal poles, attached to one longer metal pole. It isn't fancy in design, though a bit different. Abilities (Magic): Has an express knowledge over totems and runes. Places magical mars on an object, then can make it move inmost any way they want. Does not work on living things, multiple parts mean multiple runes, and more energy. This means a a puppet won't all move with one mark, one needs to be placed where string would. Also uses a form of wind magic to make themselves move faster. Other: Doesn't like it when people try and push their chair for them. Only people they feel close to will be asked or permitted.