Shrouded within the tall, mighty trees and verdant, blossoming thickets of nightshades, lupids and tinder-root bushes of the sacred Melcar Forest, past the elf's hunting grounds teeming anew with wildlife, there lied a small river that trickled so pleasantly through the forest over small pebbles and stones glistening in the forest green with a fuzzy moss overgrowing and overtaking the peaceful, sloped river banks where frogs, salamanders and turtles gathered to catch their morning feast of flies, moths and other winged insects that precariously perched upon the small twigs and grasses cresting about the soothing, emerald waters. The river, twas known to many about the kingdom as Earth Mother's Tear, an old analogy to the legend that all the waters of the natural world were tears shed by the Great Goddess when she bore the earth in pain. Though....that was according to human mythology, however similar to the thinking of elves. Nevertheless, the river emptied into an open glade, at a [url=]pond[/url] of crystal waters sparkling, dazzling amidst the first golden rays of dawn casting ethereal light through the thick veil of pines and cedars, frail, dappled shadows dancing across the smooth, polished rocks, and the flowers, so many lovely shades and wondrous hues of color brimming to life at the first warm kiss of the Earth Mother upon their petals flourishing to greet the morning, and such fragrance they emanated that tickled the huntress' nose joyfully. Twas nature's beauty, innocent yet untamed, just as the songbirds chirping and singing their morning praises to the Sun King Hrothnarl for his precious gift that culminated with the gentle pitter-patter of the waterfall snaking through the sheer rock-face and diluting so tranquil into the shimmering pool of crisp, clear water. Nirayane relished the sight for a moment or so, taking it all in with equally dazzling eyes so warm and pleasant. After all, it was in nature she found her peace, her solace. She then removed her garments and her weapons, leaving them to rest beside the bank as she tiptoed in a tad skittish. Twas the midst of summer yet the water was cold, a chill creeping through the woman's toes and all throughout her body. Even so, Nira took a deep breath and dove in, swimming deeper into the mysterious fathoms of the forest spring, a new world seeming to await under the glassy surface as she opened her eyes. Just below the surface lied ancient ruins, perhaps of a shrine or an old temple that collapsed into the water during the days of yore, and now it was home to fish, small minnows and perch and the occasional salmon that ended up here. Even the waters of the forest were alive with animals, yet another sight that made Nirayane smile. She rose to the surface once more to catch her breath and rest her back against the rocks, staring into the sky and sighing to herself blissfully.