Name: Jitharee Race: Argonian Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: Jitharee is a large Argonian, reaching 6'2 and nearly as wide as an orc. His bodily scales take the color of greenish black and a grey chest and neck while the scales atop his head are bone white in color, giving it the appearance of bone instead of flesh. The snout on his head is fairly bare with the only several jaw horns to speak of however a large claw scar runs from the top of his snout to the bottom of the right side of his jaw, a larger run runs across his chest and an uglier one runs down his spine. Jitharee's scales are a lot rougher than the average Argonian with ridges and bumps more akin to that of a crocodile. Lastly his eyes are very dark in color, almost completely black. Personality: Jitharee is a individual hardened by conflict, pain, and cruelty. It will take time for the shell to crack or earn his trust but when you do you will have a friend who will lay down his life a thousand times for yours. Background: Once a warrior, a husband, and a freeman. Now a laborer, a widower, and a slave. All because of that damned elf. Abilities: - Born of the Hist - Argonian racial abilities - A superb warrior - Can create basic Argonian arms and armor. - Knows what you should, and should not eat in the wilderness