[b]Name:[/b] Ayron Atticaron [b]Race:[/b] Imperial [b]Age: [/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Ayron is around 6 feet tall and of medium build. He has unkempt black hair complete with beard that has a three long scar on the that interrupt the beard. Ayron has sun tanned, usually dirty, skin that go along with his ice blue eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Before his enslavement Ayron was very optimistic, naive, and loud, all of which come with youth. However now, 8 years into slavery, he is much quieter and skeptical of almost anything. The only thing he believes in is escape at any means possible. However slavery has made him loyal to those he calls his friends. [b]Background:[/b] Ayron was born in the Imperial City and he was quite curious about everything. He often got himself in trouble with guards but Ayron had a way with words that always seemed leave the guards confused as to why they let him go. As he grew up Ayron wanted to leave the city and explore the world. The Imperial knew he needed to find money some how so he began to delve in and out of ruin looks for anything of value. Lucky for him Ayron came upon something that shook the Imperial City, he found an archaic tomb of an Elven Warlord which was filled with treasure and rare artifacts. Ayron finally hit it big. At 20 he was ready to leave so he made way for the country of Morrowind hoping to find something of value there. Again he did but the natives weren't so happy about him breaking into an ancestral tomb. He was thrown into jail for a year before constant cuts made the prison sell him into Telvanni slaver [b]Abilities:[/b] -Ayron is good with his words even though he learned that trying to talk your masters out of punishment is only a bad idea. -Deduction -Decent Swordsmanship -Surprisingly sneaky for an Imperial.