Rei chuckled in spite of himself at Franky's response, "It's just your nerves. If there was really some disaster coming I'm pretty sure Master would have warned us by now." at that moment a leaf floated over his face and gently touched his nose before the wind picked up and blew it away. Rei rubbed his nose instinctively in response and said, "If you ask me, you guys have this exam in the bag. You'll ace it for sure, I just know it..." [i]Yeah, and then I'll have to play a tough game of catch up.[/i] He yawned, realizing he was getting tired despite his mood. He got up, giving his arms and good stretch before taking a few steps toward home, "I'm turning in for the night. See you guys tomorrow." and after that he left. It was time to face the music. Master Yen Sid had long since set up his own personal tower to serve as his living quarters. He'd been using it to study magic and sorcery long before he became a Keybearer, and after he did he began using it for his own personal training. He never expected to raise any children here, but he took in the young Reiner nonetheless, having not been able to bring himself to make the boy grow up as an orphan. He was sitting at a table reading a parchment when Reiner entered, having returned from wherever it was he spent the evening. Yen Sid looked up at his student and gestured for him to sit down. Rei did so, having fully expected a long-winded lecture but was surprised when Yen Sid instead used his magic to conjure a chessboard with its pieces all set up. This wasn't the first time they'd played, but this was the last thing Rei expected his Master to do after his outburst earlier that day. "So... you're not changing your mind, are you?" asked Rei, making the first move by sliding a pawn two spaces ahead. The Master silently shook his head and made a similar opening move. Rei sighed in disappointed, "...of course not." then moved one of his knights forward, "Tell me why, at least. If there's something I'm lacking, tell me what it is and I'll work on it." Yen Sid closed his in contemplation, "If you must ask me what it is you lack, then you have not overcome it yet." he responded gently as he made another move on the chess board, "For as long as you've trained you have been eager to fight and prove yourself. But what purpose does it serve? Strength or knowledge for no other sake than their own is meaningless. For when a seeker of knowledge or power finally obtains the power he seeks, then his life becomes empty and hollow." as he said all this, the two had been going back and forth in their chess game. Yen Sid was obviously the superior chess player, but Rei had been showing a noticeable improvement as of late. "What's wrong with bettering myself? I thought that was one of the foundations of our training..." "Indeed," responded Yen Sid with a kindly nod, "but that alone is insufficient. Power of any kind, be it strength, knowledge, or skill, is only truly meaningful when used for something other than oneself." "Okay," Rei said, his King piece becoming more in danger as Yen Sid's pieces closed in on it, "what should I do with my power then?" Yen Sid close his and shook his head with a heavy heart, "That, dear boy, is why you are not ready." "I think I understand," lied Rei, and he stood from the table, "You'd better rest, you're gonna have a long day tomorrow with that exam." he left the table to go to bed, but not before silently tipping over his king piece to surrender the game to Yen Sid. That must have been thousandth game they played over the years and not once had Rei been able to to win. Still, he liked to think he was getting closer to a win with each passing game.