Appearance: Tall and loosely armored throughout. She wears layers of robes with plates upon the shoulders, chest, faulds about the waist, and gauntlets about the wrists that extend out over the tops of her hands. Long, charcoal-black hair falls about her like an avalanche, framing a lithe form chiseled from a life of physical training. Height: 5’9 Weight: 120lbs Hair Color: Pitch black Eye Color: A warm reddish-orange Name: Miramil (Goes by Mimi) Age: early twenties History: Mimi grew up within a glade in the lush Rivenwood forest. Her father absent at the time of her birth, she was raised by her mother, who had secluded herself amidst the babbling brooks and breaching peaks of the region. Here Mimi was taught the important of light and dark, and the healing and destructive powers the two respective forces contained. Her early life was spent learning the forest, navigating it by day and night, and learning it like the back of her hand. It was her home, after all. She had to learn to survive, for there was no fighting the creatures that stalked about at night. Even still, when later on she learned the few offensive techniques that she knows, she never once harmed anything within the borders of the forest. In her mid-teens her mother gifted her with lanterns, and taught her to weave herself with the light. She learned the importance of protection that the light would bring, and the way in which darkness could be sewn together with it. On her twentieth birthday, her mother vanished. Mimi was not afraid, nor was she saddened by the loss, for somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew her mother would leave her one day. The only harm came from the solitude, and she longed most for companionship in adventure. Armed with her mother’s teachings, and a life of labor within the glade, she set out in search of not the relics, per say, but those in search of them. These mercenaries she’d heard about, these treasures that were ravaging the land with gossip and excitement, they would provide her with adventure, and she was sure that along the way she’d find someone to help, and journey with. Personality: Mimi is lighthearted and naïve to the world outside of Rivenwood, but that is not to say she is foolish or gullible. She is very adamant about her opinions and beliefs, but loves to debate with others, though arguments for her are more just a front to learn more of the world, and an excuse to engage with other people. She’s fascinated by others, how they think, how they work, what they do and why, what they feel and what makes them feel. To her, people are the treasures on these expeditions, and she hates to see harm befall anyone. That being said, she has, as all people do, her limits. Weapons: The Match: A long staff, wooden in appearance but cool to the touch, like metal, and impervious to the burns of fire. In fact, one end of the Match is black as a wick might be, and is prone to being lit with a vibrant and undying flame. In her earlier years, this was her ward in the darkness of Rivenwood. Abilities (Magic): -Lumancy: Mimi can control light, craft it in minute amounts, and suck it away in places to leave only darkness. Though not inherently offensive, it can be used to create “hardlight” barriers with enough energy, and in a small, concentrated area, can produce blistering, white heat. -The Lanterns: They are about the size of a forearm, and even Mimi is unsure as to how many there truly are, as whenever she tries to count them, they shift and move too much to allow it. The number seems to shift, and at times the estimate number ranges anywhere from a dozen to upwards of fifty. Where the excess lanterns go when they are not present none can be sure. Perhaps they simply fade from the world, for surely they cannot be real. After all, the tiny yet bright flames within their glass cages never seem to go out. Mimi controls these lanterns as if they were a second mind. Sometimes they act without her conscious thought, and wander around her with the same curious fascination that she herself possesses. Though they possess no innate offensive capabilities, she uses them most often for traveling and lighting paths at night. When in combat, Mimi can use her understanding of Lumancy to create hardlight from the light of the lanterns to protect herself an others. Other: She tends to smile a lot, even in circumstances wherein happiness is perhaps inappropriate. This is not due to disrespect per say, but all the same she herself doesn’t quite understand it either.