The field was big and chaos thrived in it. Poppy found herself shyly moving about the place, wishing she had gained a cooler power instead of insta-learn. A small Chinese-dragon like thing swerved in front of her and riding a top of it was a boy who whooped and hollered at her. Poppy smiled and waved, feeling a sense of desire to ride on top of a freakin’ dragon. No such luck, the shimmering scales disappeared from her view and into the clouds. Colors seemed to explode in front of her eyes and the vibrancy thrummed more-so than it ever did in the presence of the teachers. Biting her lip, Poppy dove into nearby pile of snow and started making a snow angel. That is when she saw it. A castle! An aircraft! A god damn dragon! Poppy couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping. That was the biggest thing she has ever laid eyes on and she quite envied Henrietta for it. Part of Poppy wanted to join her gang or whatever just so she could ride that freaking thing! Golden scales blinked at her like taunting riches and wings spread out such a distance that Poppy couldn’t even estimate how long it was. The blonde whistled under her breath and stumbled to her feet, almost knocking into someone next to her.