William eyed the new lady with- again- interest and suspicion. However, he was the first to move or say anything, already taking the initiative, his distanced caution giving way to merely suspicion of his surroundings. He took a step forward, noting her accent and appearance, almost impulsively complimenting her as he did with De Winters, but he stopped himself. Her eyes seemed... not unkind or unfriendly, but there was a certain feeling it gave him that made him wary. So instead, with his foot forward, he replied, "Greetings, I am William, or any variant of the name "Will" you can think of." His face held no smirk or smile, but had the hint of amusement that might come from copying one's speech format, and replying with it in kind. He was not mocking- only a sort of timid friendliness that comes with someone who may fear getting rejected in his ways, even as he spoke with confidence.