Name: Telleran Alveron Race: Redguard/Nord (Redguard father, Nordic mother)- Vampire Age: Really damn old Gender: Male Appearance: Slightly taller than the norm kind of height, with the thick build of Nords and the skin of the Redguards. His hair is what could be called reddish-blackish, the sort that's trying to be red but is still pretty black, drawn back in the dreadlocks that may or may not be common, forming an odd ponytail. Glowing yellow eyes that are primarily prominent in the dark; not so easy to see in the daylight. He has no scars, except those from the whip on his back, and a large collection on his shoulders- which could be from a hungry wolf pouncing on him. A small, thin strip of scar tissue runs from the edge of his left eye, up to his ear, where there's a small nick in it. Personality: Cold and uncaring for those around him; eccentric. He cares little for the lives around him, and cares little about the world, leading to pain being very little bother in his world. Rather, he cares a great deal about books, often saying random bits from different books, oftentimes books that no one has heard about, from authors that were never heard of. He searches for answers, any kind of answer, and for that which mortals have, and he does not- and he will refuse to give any details to that, if anyone even knows he's searching. Background: That of a man beaten and bullied by Nordic children, full-Nordic children, in his ever-moving mismatched family within the icy hold of Skyrim. Every year, it seemed, they moved elsewhere, for reasons that Telleran did not know. His name was that of an outside, unknown land; he didn't know its origins. His father liked reading; his mother too. Both of them were also warriors, often using techniques outside of the Nordic smash-smash-smash, and he so inherited both abilities and interests, wanting to both fight and learn. However, his childhood was cut short when, the first time he read a book, his family was attacked by bandits while heading to Whiterun, and they were captured. His father was killed; mother barely recovering from brutal injuries- then was raped. Shortly after, she was killed when she refused to reveal money- which they had none. He was put to work under the guard of a magic-held wolf, who was in turn put to work under a mage who was also secretly a vampire. One day, he was doing his 'chores,' when the vampire grew hungry, and no one else was around. Unfortunately, the bandit vampire wasn't as hungry to drink all his blood, leaving him alive and very much dead at the same time. Under fear of actually dying under the bandits and vampire, he managed to kill the wolf one night- while it was sleeping- and drink his first drink of blood. Shortly afterwards, he was sold into slavery, and has since traveled the world under the yoke of slavery- always escaping and being "caught" again, always being caught in places of books and learning. Abilities: - Sneaking - Daggers'n'knives - slingshots and the like - Speed-reading and photographic memory - Advice of a thousand voices - Vampire- enhanced strength and speed - Vampire- enhanced night vision and ability to use magic, of sorts (and he never has tried magic). - Vampire- can make thralls, if he does it right (and he never has tried).