Jack Orpheus | Grimm Studies [color=steelblue]"S'up"[/color], Jack was there, at class, albeit very very late. He only arrived in time to see some guy take out a Grimm. Smiling like nothing was wrong, he was late due to the fact he saw this absolutely marvellous cake the other day and thought he had the time to eat a slice, but sadly that was not the case. He did come up here straight from the city though, so he was actually here a lot more quickly than most would ever manage. [color=steelblue]"Sorry about being late teach, but there was this absolutely amazing cake I think you should try. Chocolate fudge with a strawberry, with layers of milk chocolate and chocolate cream inside with a malted base. Jersey Road, right next to the main shopping street, small store, called the "Sweet Dreams Emporium", great bakery",[/color] he said, arm motions and everything, all rather fast too, but still able to be understood. [color=steelblue]"Or... Is that not the time for that? Okay. So what'd I miss teach?"[/color], he inquired, bringing attention back to the class.