[h3]Principal Ling Fan[/h3] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3yLgTBH94b2b_ghgKkRCiGSs8EsuDR_CBvJRylKl4f5IQ2Amk7g[/img] A woman in black joins the party with Yakuse and his students, she is none other than the Principal of Chengdu, Ling Fan. [b]"Well, well. I didn't know you lovely family are into Dr. Elias's shtick; Yakuse, Ming, Mei.."[/b] She looks at Ming's little friend. [b]"And I see. Yakuse, there's something your nephew's not telling you. I'll tell you someday but for now let's rejoice in the presence of the doll."[/b] She's clingy over Yakuse Masayume which makes it always appear to be scandalous among students in school and what not. [h3]Dr. Queen[/h3] [b]"Thank you people. My predecessor Elias Queen once said all and everything know is just a dot but there is more to that. With this vessel, she will unleash our brains to transcend to a higher form of plane. Creation and Destruction, before knowledge and mind kind was born, two entities have always been struggling for the fate of the world as so in the past Scientists would say, impossible. But I do say it is now a fact, proven by our Magus also known as modern scientific mage. Weiss will present you that she can---"[/b] Truth Weiss starts speaking in angelic language which can't be understand by many, it is a language that transcends the Esper's mind of calculations and up to now it is unknown, many translators that study angelic language or alien language have been assisting Weiss for the past decade. [b]"Ladies and Gentlemen, Weiss said that, it is a pleasure to meet you guys and a preceding fortune telling is about to come true. It may sound vague and stupid but even with our translators, the translating process is not accurate giving enough sensible translations."[/b] Images pop out in Weiss's head. [hider=Embedded Knowledge]- Photon Glass: A multipurpose glass that can be utilized into various interactive activities. It displays many image and works as a touch panel. These photon glass are placed throughout the cities as replacement for TV screen, notice signs, banisters, vending machine display, table, counter, and so on. Photon Glass for public uses often display commercial and advertisement when not used. [img]http://i.imgur.com/IqxpIpu.jpg[/img] - Licht Straße (Licht Starse): Invented in German, also known as "Light Road." Nearly all main roads in this world are replaced by hexagon shaped plate that absorb [Pure Energy] in the air and sunlight as its power source. Controlled by both cable and wireless connection, it can display images on the road to repurpose into something else. Example: Lines for basket field and be changed into lines for parking lot or other sports field like volleyball or soccer. [img]http://i.imgur.com/TJBM6HP.jpg[/img] - Pocket Terminal: Pocket Terminal often used as replacement for ID, cellphone, credit cards, and such by connecting to its main server and pull personal data from it. One of novel uses of Pocket Terminal is "Virtual Vision", by using its techno unit, Pocket Terminal would stimulate the brainwave and display a realistic interactive non-real images and sounds. The user would able to interact with that image and do various activity like surfing the net, writing/sending/reading mails, watching videos, playing games, and much more. - Magical Beings/Beasts: Shrouded in mystery but there are various theories about them. The most famous theory is that these creatures came from the same world but also different from ours. They're the physical form of mythology and folklore as we know it. It's said that Magical Calamity incident caused a "rip" on the dimension which allows or maybe teleport these creature into ours. Their existence might actually be the reason why we have stories about them in form of told legends. Till then they remain as myths or hoaxes. Many years had passed since the peak of its rampage and human had manage to win the war. Many traces of the battle remained throughout the world. This war is what leads scientist to develop Madou into a weapon, giving birth to what known as "Mage".[/hider] -------- All this knowledge being encrypted into everyone's heads which by the way is already common knowledge in this world. [b]"Eureka people. Eureka. Weiss is communicating telepathically with you and showing you not just this knowledge but a refined version of your perspectives in life."[/b] It's nothing special but what Weiss is about to say is something different. She speaks in the angelic language once more. [b]"She said that red lightning, smoke and lightning, man be this destructive? Rift. Run---." All of a sudden the vessel starts malfunctioning and giving off a sound of devilish and hellish dialect in everyone's ears and minds. Weiss starts emitting radiation of unknown anomalies and entities, creating a rift. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Vessel of Magic Knowledge accumulating irregularity territory; Evacuate all people to safety from this place immediately. This is a Level 5 emergency. [b]"Guys! Don't run, I believe this is just a mista----"[/b] The building starts trembling and the ground starts shaking, a normal phenomena like the typhoons/storms won't be able to dent Tian Jin but such power emitted by Weiss did so, the force that created a rift summons a red lightning of smoke. It was hovering fast in the sky in a shape that of a human. It starts killing whoever it come across and especially it comes close right in front of Annette, Arata, Victor, and certain people like Yakuse. There are countless red smoked beings that of a lightning bolt. [b]"Uncle. We have to get out of here, now! MEI!!! MEI!!! What are you looking at!! We have to get out of here!"[/b] The young girl, Mei Fang stares at the mysterious red reminiscing something until Mingyu grabbed her hand. Weiss spawns multiple humanoid creatures out of the dirt and they all resemble fiends ready to devour anyone in the way. [b]Next- Pandemonium![/b]