Lysandra finished re-coiling her weapon and tucking it back under her sleeves as Sigur unceremoniously made short work of the last two standing bandits. The blood from his first kill was already pooling about, soaking into the floorboards of the tavern to forever leave a stain as remembrance of what they had done here. She had hoped that the situation wouldn't have reached this point but Kazahk had forced the issue and had left everyone with little choice in the matter. Still, it was unnerving how calm they could all be in the wake of the situation contrast perfectly with Emma, who seemed paralyze with fear and utter shock at the violence that had exploded before her eyes. Lysandra pitted the woman for being so weak, so fragile to the ways of the world that she was practically helpless. But she also envied her greatly. Emma was a woman who hadn't experienced the dark side of their lives first hand and thus still had a semblance of innocence about her. She had grownup with a family that actually loved her and with a sense of belonging; Lysandra, on the other hand, had been raised by a stranger, albeit a kind hearted one, and a group of misfits and misfortunates alike. Her life would never amount to that of Emma's, no matter how many riches Lysandra sunk her greedy fingers into. [i][b]"Leave here screaming. Tear your dress a bit. It was a disagreement over dice, and we tried to stop you from fleeing. You barely escaped."[/b][/i] Catching on to Masef's line of thought, Lysandra stepped forward producing a knife from somewhere inside her cleavage and tore the woman's dress in several places. Emma only seemed mildly aware of what was happening around her but she nodded her understanding, nevertheless. [b]"I'm sorry about the tavern."[/b] Lysandra apologized as she ran a hand through the woman's hair, giving her a more disheveled appearance in order to pull off the ruse. [b]"I promise to pay you for all damages when I return."[/b] If the woman understood her, she didn't acknowledge it. Perhaps it was out of impulse to console the female in some manner or it was just that she could see so much of herself in the woman, regardless, Lysandry's wrapped her arms around Emma in a tight embrace before pushing her towards the entrance of the tavern. [i][b]“Where to now?”[/b][/i] [b]"The old hunting cabin."[/b] Lysandra offered turning back to regard her brothers. [b]"It still lays intact…most of it, anyways"[/b] Last time she had laid eyes on the cabin, two days ago, it was still standing although weathered and worn from years of neglect. It could serve as a perfect place for them to hide and lay low for the time being until a better plan could be formed. Strategically nestled deep in the woods not only a short distanced from Bosfyrd but also from Brand's home. As children they used to utilize the cabin as almost an outpost when spending more than a day out in the woods hunting for game. The cabin was their best and only answer at the moment.