Marcus met Ivan’s eyes with an even stare, simply nodding once in acknowledgement before he returned to his notes. A short while later a message landed in Marcus’ inbox. The content was certainly interesting. Marcus could not help it and smiled a little as he imagined the increase in firepower. Then he frowned as the heat issue was addressed. Drat, and he already had to limit his rate of fire with unmodified shots. [sub]”Bored now.”[/sub] Marcus got up from his seat, scroll in hand. As he strode over to the Unsubtle he paused at Oswald’s desk. The man had tried to stop the violence before it could get out of hand. Even though Marcus found the root cause of the whole argument trivial, his teammate’s behaviour was commendable. Much better than his own on reflection. “Well done just now.” he complimented Oswald. Understatement right there. Still it was the best he could think of. He moved on to the actual maintenance area. In the meantime he mentally sketched out some ideas via his scroll. An advantage of his semblance was that he could literally design at the speed of thought, his very spirit converted to the raw ones and zeroes computers worked with. By the time he had walked the length of the classroom his little CAD session was already finished. Right then, time to get to the fun part of class. In the little romp through the forest the previous day something got stuck in the rear left drive wheel, and it was time to find out what. A wrench appeared from his bottomless belt pockets, and he got to work. [sub]"Say your prayers little one Don't forget, my son To include everyone~"[/sub]