Hello there. I am Flamelord, and I decided that it was about time that I revamped a request thread for here, so here we are. Personally, I am a 21 year old male, American, currently a junior in college. I would like to consider myself a laid back person, and am always open to chatting or discussion outside of roleplays. My interests include roleplaying, alternate history, sci fi, music, and writing (Fanfiction specifically. You can find a relevant link to my FF.Net page in my sig. In terms of standards and such, I see myself as a Casual-Advanced writer/roleplayer. Proper grammar and spelling is not a requirement, but it would be greatly appreciated. I mean, if I can't understand what you're saying, I can't write a response. Tying into that, I don't have a requirement for how long responses have to be, but it should generally be enough that I can at least write out some sort of answer. Limits tend to be conditional on what's happening, and a lot of what I do is based on creativity and such. If a really good idea is presented that heavily catches my interest, I'm willing to do a lot in the course of doing that RP. I'm willing to play either MxM, MxF, FxF, or any other combination therein, it just depends on whether I'm interested or not. Oh, and I can RP via either private messages or threads. I don't really have a preference either way. Now then, fandoms. I'm a fan, and I can roll with canons or OC's. A really well done canon character is pretty awesome, but there's nothing wrong with OC's either. SO, here's a list, look it over and see if there's anything you know and want to do. [u]Video Games[/u] Advance Wars Ar Tonelico Endless Space Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, Tactics Advance, Dissidia Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Galactic Civilizations Golden Sun Halo Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Mario Mass Effect Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction Pokemon Sins of a Solar Empire Sonic the Hedgehog Spyro the Dragon Star Fox Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Super Smash Brothers Sword of the Stars Valkyria Chronicles 1 [u]Anime/Manga[/u] Aldnoah.zero Angel Beats Attack on Titan Avatar: TLA/LoK A Certain Magical Index/Scientific Railgun Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya Gonna be the Twintail Guilty Crown Gunbuster/Diebuster Gundam 0079/Zeta/Double Zeta/F91/Victory/Turn A/Seed/Seed Destiny/Reconguista in G Gunslinger Girl Hetalia Izetta: The Last Witch Kill la Kill Last Exile Love, Chyuunibyou, and Other Delusions Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya/Disappearance of Nagato Yuki Plastic Memories Puella Magi Madoka Magika Revolutionary Girl Utena RWBY Selector Infected/Spread WIXOSS Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Strike Witches Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, Macross Plus/7/Frontier/Delta Sword Art Online Symphogear Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann [u]TV Shows[/u] Falling Skies Fringe Galavant Gotham Person of Interest Stargate SG-1/Atlantis/Universe Terra Nova The Last Ship Warehouse 13 [u]Movies [/u] Battle: Los Angeles Godzilla (Franchise) Matrix Pacific Rim Star Wars [u]Books[/u] Dies the Fire Foundation Metro 2033 Old Man's War Safehold Saga Saga of the Seven Suns [i][u]Ideas[/u][/i]: -Something involving Yuffie (FF7) and Edge (FF4) would be hilarious, in my opinion. The both of them ninja's, showoffs, the fun could go on, without even considering plot. -I've got a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover that could be interesting. Wanna be a scientist, a Jaeger pilot, or one of the crew of the Gotengo fighting giant Kaiju? We can do that. -The Neo Zeon Civil War, except done the way it should have been with Char instead of that movie we got. Gundam -A retelling of Tactics Advance with OC's. -The return of Dark Grasper, shenanigans, and the continues battle over hairstyles and a genderbent hero. Gonna be the Twintail. -A fusion of RWBY/Madoka Magika, with magical girls and huntsmen fighting the forces of Grimm, as well as evil people. -Blake being taken captive by Cinder, and then the stuff afterwards. RWBY -Moscow couldn't have been the only place to survive. So, exploration of one of the other places that did on Earth. Metro 2033. -Assaj finds Ahsoka during Order 66, and they go off to the Unknown Regions to ride out the purge, and then to ferment Rebellion, or something like that. Star Wars. -The war against the aliens in another city. Perhaps in Tokyo? Battle LA. -Somebody bothers to go back and pick Slaine up after Inaho shoots him down, and the results of that. Aldnoah.zero. -An alternate Season 2, with someone actually dying, or just a different plot to make things more dramatic. Aldnoah.Zero -A post game plot, whilst ignoring TAY. Mostly because I haven't played that. FF4. -Leena is captured by the dread Pirate Faris, in order to be ransomed back to Tycoon. FF5. -The Colonial Union from Old Man's War meets the Citadel Council Races. War happens (as usual) -A deconstruction of Symphogear, based on the dark elements that could have been there but got ignored. -Rather than the ending we got, Mayu is replaced, and the system continues in an altered form. Selector Spread WIXOSS. -Akira trying to readjust to being part of society with Iona's help at the end of the show. WIXOSS. -An OC in the games, and all that fun stuff. WIXOSS Those are all the fandoms that I'm interested in/can think of at this point in time. I might add plots in at some point, but at the moment I won't because I'm lazy, and because it would take forever if I even had ideas, which I don't really. Deal with it. However, I am a fan of crossovers and AU type things, exploring those alternatives. So feel free to come to me with your ideas. As I said, I'm open minded, so as long as it's nothing incredibly crazy, I'll be at least willing to consider it. Of course, that cannot replace good old original ideas. And I'm certainly favorable to these, with a wide variety. I tend to favor more adventure type stuff, espionage, less slice of life things. Though slice of life certainly has it's place. It all just depends on how good the idea is, and whether it appeals to me. Here's a few things I like, so here we go. Cyberpunk - Corporate espionage, revolution, Steampunk Urban Fantasy - Vampires, werewolves, magic in the modern world Royalty Fantasy - Elves, Dwarves, dragons, battle against evil, that sort of thing. Science Fiction - battles against evil IN SPAACE, exploraiton, colonization, plots Alternate History - Nazi's win WW2, other alternate cold war, USA a British Dominion, etc. Post Apocalyptic - Depends on the type of apocalypse. Feel free to mix and match, and ideas may come here as well. At the moment though, I don't really have anything that I consider to be amazing. And thus, I look forward to seeing what you have for me. I'd prefer you send me a message if you can, but I won't stop you from posting here. Free bumps are nice. So, that's all. I hope to hear from you soon. There's certainly no harm in trying.