[B]Name:[/B] Seiji Tsukasa [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://s28.postimg.org/j5si1yz7x/1726540.jpg[/IMG] Standing at 5'5'' and weighing 130 pounds, Tsukasa's frame is rather slim. Tsukasa has white hair reaching his neck and usually wears some kind of hairpin to keep it out from his line of sight. [B]Personality:[/B] The best way to describe Tsukasa is as someone eccentric and quirky. He is quiet and perhaps even unsociable towards others when he is in company of others, but talkative and silly when he has grown accustomed to you. Perhaps this is what made him an outcast from the others in society, school or otherwise. Always a loner, not by choice but because he was always way too nervous to even think about talking to the person next to him. Of course, he knew much of the ways of the world, and he knows that people would probably come after him for being the way he is, and so, he developed acting skills that would help him put up a front against anyone who'd try to harm him. Of course, this doesn't mean he is aloof or anything of the sort, in fact, he is quite loving and grows attached to others rather quickly. Tsukasa is quite sticky and loves to have physical contact with others, even to the point that he can be annoying. Also, he has an odd fixation with hair, mostly female hair, and often grabs the hair of anyone, willing or not. [B]Physical Traits:[/B] He isn't in shape and has low stamina. He is quite dexterous with his fingers, but has terrible motor coordination. His eyes, though, are in a scale of 20/10, meaning he can see things rather far or otherwise. [B]Mental Traits:[/B] He thinks fast, really fast, particularly when it comes to mathematics. He has great attention for detail. He gets distracted way too easily. [B]Color:[/B] 6ecff6 [B]How they died:[/B] Tsukasa was killed by a group of people who had him in their sights for quite a bit. He was beaten and tortured with different instruments, until he had no option but to beg to be given the gift of death. [B]Clues Discovered:[/B] N/A