Sable stared up at the girl with the lanterns blankly. Exactly…what was she trying to do? The red-clad assassin figured she was trying to help, but one bear didn’t warrant a danger to her life. Even still, she nodded at the command and leapt up, landing firmly on the tiny platform provided for her. [color=ed1c24]“Hello,”[/color] she greeted, voice as robotic as always. [color=ed1c24]“Thank you for the leverage. Now then, do you mind if I jump off-”[/color] She was cut off by the sound of terrible screeching. Looking down, Sable saw the boy with the chains land a direct hit into the bear’s collarbone. A sickening crunch rang out, and the bear howled in rage. Moments later, it was pinned down by the formation of massive stone hands, causing another shockwave to ripple the bear’s core. The Crimson Streak looked to the side, seeing her fangirl in the aftermath of casting a spell. So that’s what it was then. When she turned back, something was notably different about the bear. It did not continue its attack nor did was it aggressive; instead, it raised a claw and struck at the layed stone, freeing itself loosely. At once, it was turning around and fleeing the forest clearing in pain. Sable blinked in confusion before her eyes focused on something else, something that was falling back to the earth. The green Legend Relic. It must have been dislodged from the punch, meaning it wasn’t attached to the bear for very long. Without a word to the girl, Sable rocketed downwards in the attempt to catch the treasure. With the bear gone, so too was the danger factor. Now it was a free-for-all for the Relic. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Farther away in Rexicorg, the Drider hissed in pain as Yem’s blade struck it underneath. Likewise, it gained some sort of primal satisfaction in knowing that it had clipped him as well. With a heart-pierced screech, it reared back and sprayed a stream of webbing from its rotting maw. It aimed to pin Yem in place, for it knew that once that was accomplished, it could freely go in for the kill. Meanwhile, the black Relic seemed to glow brighter, emitting an afterglow within the flames it resided in. It seemed to be pulsing with power, as if calling out…