[i]"Welcome my boys, my Lost Boys."[/i] The voice is soft, warm and welcoming, but there's an edge to it. The kind of voice that could be a candy cane one minute and a razor the next. Most of the boys have never really seen Pan, the mysterious leader of the Lost Boys, but if they have they can only describe 2 looks. One is his face painted, the other in the mask her wears.... Other than that, you may see him in the sky, like a bird of prey. [img]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/AGTmH2Ax348/mqdefault.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/357/b/c/mask___y_mouth_by_torvenius-d5owuob.jpg[/img] He gives you Fairy Dust, and there's nothing like it. It makes you fly, but enough of it can make your mind soar. It's addictive, and every lost boy, and girl, takes a hit when they join as part of their initiation. Once you've had one hit, you need at least one a week, otherwise bad things start to happen..... And all you have to do is follow any orders he gives, or do things you think will make him happy, and he will reward you with sweet fairy dust.