[b]Name:[/b] Akagawa Jin [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 164 cm/54 kg [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbjsorT6Te1rntlk3o8_r3_500.jpg]."Huh? Did you just call me a dumbass? You want to say that one more time?"[/url] [b]Classification:[/b] Esper [b]Ability:[/b] [u]Ion Storm[/u]: Jin can manipulate and generate ions, atoms that possess a net positive or negative charge. Though this, he has considerable control over excited matter, such as active chemicals, gases and plasmas. By combining and neutralizing ions he can create ionic salts in massive quantities. [b]Power Level:[/b] 5 [b]Notable Talents or Skills:[/b] Jin's intellect is truly tremendous, giving him the calculative skills needed to make the most of his Esper power. He also has vast knowledge of atomic physics, chemistry and computer programming and engineering. Oddly enough, he is very familiar with animal care and can easily take care of a wide variety of exotic pets. Jin has enough domestic knowledge to take care of himself and his mother, as the latter is often too busy to do so. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Akagawa Research Ltd. [b]Occupation:[/b] Student/Part-time researcher/ [b]Personality:[/b] Jin strikes most people as being the epitome of "the typical arrogant Level 5," but the truth is somewhat different. While he has a great deal of personal pride and doesn't take insults sitting down, he has little care for things such as status and rank. His pride, while a great motivator and source of self-confidence for him, is also his weakness, as he is quite easy to rile up or otherwise manipulate by exploiting it. Despite this seemingly simple side to him, Jin is extremely clever and can be quite ruthless in pursuit of his goals. Otherwise, he is a surprisingly calm and down-to-earth person that is content to silently work away at whatever currently interests him. Jin also has a very strong urge to care for and protect those which he cares about, though only those entitled to this protection ever see this side of him. [b]Biography:[/b] Jin is a child of quite mixed heritage, as his mother was the American-born child of an English real-estate magnate and an Italian seamstress, and his father is a Japanese man with a sumo-wrestler father and pediatrician mother. Both of Jin's parents are accomplished scientists in the field of genetic engineering, with his father owning his own research foundation, and their mutual involvement with Academy City led to their meeting. Jin was in fact born within the city, and as one of its "native sons," he knows the city like the back of his hand. However, Jin's father was distant during his upbringing, often extremely busy with the management of Akagawa Research Ltd. In his time spent with Jin, he imposes quite strict standards for the boy and raised the bar for his accomplishments very hard. Rather than upset as many children would have been, this treatment encouraged Jin to give his all, encouraging him to develop his powers to Level 5 and cultivating his well-known prideful streak. Jin is quite an unusual case in Academy City that he actually lives with his mother, who continues to work at her husband's research branch within the city. Jin also commits some time between his studies and training to the organization, often on the nature of AIM-affected subatomic particles. Jin has essentially no friends and very few acquaintances, as his status as a Level 5 and oftentimes overbearing nature frequently drives people away from him. In the place of human companions, he has numerous pets, many of which being very exotic creatures sent to him by his world-travelling father as rewards for his accomplishments.