[hider=Enna Marlies] [center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/66f33a2902148667bc1d0893906a0215/tumblr_mpu99tR81c1qjov86o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Ennabeth Marlies [i][u]Nickname:[/u][/i] Enna [i][u]Gender:[/u][/i] Female [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 16 [i][u]Age Appearance:[/u][/i] 16 [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Enna is a tall girl who stands around 5’8” and is neither curvy nor stick-like. The only remarkable thing about her, really, is her super pale skin that has never been tan in her life, but other than that, Enna is average. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Enna is a snarky, sarcastic bitch. Well, that’s the easiest way to describe her when you first meet her. She seems to love to point out the faults in others and is constantly complaining. She is not very affectionate and is actually quite the opposite; when in the few relationships she had, Enna could be described as distant and cold, just generally un-clingy. She loves to run her mouth and is never not talking, even in great times of danger. She has a pessimistic point of view and sees everything as bad or not-as-bad. The biggest fear she has is having her island be taken by the Crucible. Enna is also a perfectionist and needs everything to be nice and tidy; she can be described as a neat-freak and almost has OCD tendencies. She favors things to even, not odd, and everything needs to be in order so as she can find it easily. In her free time, Enna likes to alphabetize her vast amount of books on her shelf or read. Many might assume that Enna is violent when faced with her confrontational, opinionated and argumentative personality, but Enna is actually a pacifist and gets scared at the sight of blood. [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] Enna was born to a lawyer mother named Merrybeth and a lumberjack father named, ironically, Jack in Krukow. Enna mostly resembles her mother in the snarky attitude she has and learned all of her arguing from her mother’s constant arguments with her father. And Merrybeth had many arguments with Jack. Due to the fact that Merrybeth had a greater intelligence than simple Jack, Merrybeth constantly felt superior which would cause the two to get in a quarrel which affected Enna negatively. Enna began seeing arguing as an everyday, no-escape thing. However, she yearns for peace and harmony in her home. Enna didn’t have a lot of friends growing up because of her rather distasteful personality and so she mostly spent her time reading – she especially liked Merrybeth’s books. While Enna studies her mother’s lawyer books, she also helps out her father in chopping down trees and carrying logs to the house. Merrybeth has lately been urging Jack into getting into the farming business in order to bring in more money and more arguments have been stirred up because of it. [b][u]Mage:[/u][/b] N/A [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Arguing, organization, sarcasm [i][u]Techniques:[/u][/i] None as of yet since she is lacking many skills [i][u]Equipment:[/u][/i] Leather gloves [b][u]Position:[/u][/b] Quartermaster [i][u]Theme Song:[/u][/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juxr9PIc2pE]Novocaine by Fall Out Boy[/url] [/hider]