[hider=Aubrey Marshall] [center][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Aubrey Marshall [i][u]Nickname:[/u][/i] Hasn't obtained one yet. [i][u]Gender:[/u][/i] Male [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 17 [i][u]Age Appearance:[/u][/i] Teenager [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1203/51a1a565bd888554943465ee4f60eb91393c9bde.jpg?1254102[/img] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Aubrey was always one to stand out from the crowd. Whether by being loud and boisterous or by performing some daring act, he has a way of getting attention. He will often take on a tough, cool persona to make himself appear "cooler", particularly around attractive girls. However, most of his flashy behavior hides a compassionate side. In fact, most of his bravery is actually a well made lie, with a good example being his pathological fear of the dark. While he does pursue admiration, he also aspires for fortune. Though most see that behavior as selfish, the truth behind it links to his hidden compassionate nature. Though he can be quite a scrappy and energetic fellow, when the odds are against him he tends to be more cowardly. This results in him often starting fights that he ends up running from. [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] Though he was born into Crucible territory, Aubrey and his mother moved far away soon after his birth. This led to them living on Krukow. Though Aubrey would often ask about his father, his mother Melanie would simply say he was a good man and that Aubrey would be able to meet him one day. At the age of six, Melanie grew ill and was bed ridden. At first, the two relied on the support of the town to even survive. But as Aubrey grew older, he took it upon himself to take care of his mother. He had to forfeit his education to be able to have the time for oddjobs he needed to stay afloat. At the age of ten he began working in the lumber industry on Krukow island. Though his mother felt that he was being too risky with his own health, no misfortune related to his job ever came to be. However, one night as he walked home from the mill on a particularly dark night, a Rift opened right next to him. Due to the darkness, he failed to notice the danger in time and was attacked by several Rift Monsters. He was saved by the local Rift Hunter guild, Maximus, and brought home with only minor injuries. But what stayed with him was the fear of being attacked in the night. No longer willing to work the long hours, due to not wanting to come home late at night, Aubrey quit the job. At the age of fourteen he quit to pursue a surprisingly more childish endeavor: racing. The neighboring island of Kuiper was more industrial and had more money. The underground racing circuit appealed to his youthful and thrill-seeking nature. Though it was a gamble, one his mother also didn't approve of, Aubrey found that he could actually make a living this way. Soon afterwards he told his mother he quit racing, but in reality that was a lie. While she believes he works in the lumber yard, Aubrey has actually spent the past few years going to Kuiper once a week to win money. His skills on an air bike, one of the more risky and entertaining forms of racing, had made him a local superstar on Kuiper. And with that fame came problems. Though he quickly learned how to fight and to defend himself, there would be nights he would go home to his mother with cuts and bruises and not a penny in his pocket. But for the most part, he has been keeping her alive with the ultimate dream he could save up enough money to take his mother somewhere that could properly treat her. [b][u]Mage:[/u][/b] N/A [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Boxing, Flying [i][u]Techniques:[/u][/i] -To Be Determined- [i][u]Equipment:[/u][/i] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=57431250]Aviator Shades[/url] - Can't leave home without these babies. Red Key - The key to his race bike, the [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/077/6/0/red__hover_bike_for_panthera_by_st_pete-d4t4fo5.png]Danger Close mk2[/url]. Hidden Blade - A tiny knife hidden in his right boot. [b][u]Position:[/u][/b] Cabin Boy [i][u]Theme Song:[/u][/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R911oqtbkA4]I've Got This[/url] [/center] [/hider]