Name:Jo'ari Raihan Race:Khajit Gender:Female Appearance:Short (as most khajit are) at 5'3 with a thin, lithe frame. Fur is the dark black of a panther with the same emerald green eyes. Her muzzle is much like any other khajit, though her large eyes give it the illusion of being a bit smaller than it is. The black fur is unbroken by any other color on her fur, though it is slightly lighter on her chest and stomach. Personality:A mysterious, and untrusting khajit, often overly paranoid. Though it is possible to earn her trust it takes a lot of work. Despite this, she cares very deeply for those around her, and has somewhat of an attachment problem at times. Background:Born in Elsweyr, Jo'ari was born with a fascination with magic. In Elsweyr it was hard for her to learn it, especially with her fsther. Jo'ari's mother died when Ari was still very young, and her and her father were left alone. Her father was a thief in a nearby guild, and he wanted his daughter to be a master thief like him. He taught the child to never trust anyone but family, thus upbringing obviously made her suspicious and secretive to all but her father. She ended up specializing largely in illusion and alteration, to help with her thievery, though she knows bits of other schools as she has always preferred and wished to be able to focus only on magic. And now something went wrong, she was betrayed on a job by someone, and she's been s slave for a fair amount of time. Hopefully the quiet khajit can get out of her current predicament, but she may be unable to finally escape alone. Abilities -Talented mage (especially with illusion and alteration) -Decent stealth, a fairly good thief -Lover of knowledge and books, an information sponge especially with magical theory or spells -Good with a staff and one handed sword when used in concert (though far from her best strength)