[hider=Emery Cooke] [center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Emery Cooke [u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] None yet. [u][i]Gender:[/i][/u] Female [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u][i]Age Appearance:[/i][/u] Teenager; usually mistaken for someone younger [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/blo_zpsbaa90997.png[/img] Emery is five foot nothing, though her strategically tied ribbon and heeled shoes give her at least four more inches. She might disappear in crowds every so often, but she's actually pretty easy to spot, thanks to her distinctive graceless gait. Let's just say, you probably won't see someone trip over her own feet (then quickly roll to safety) as much as Emery does. She's also very [url=http://i.imgur.com/j751HE2.png]expressive[/url] and it takes but a second to discern what's currently going through her mind. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Three parts sunshine and rainbows, one part frantic energy, topped off with an even layer of awkwardness, Emery stands out for all the wrong reasons. She has mastered the art of clumsy movements and ill timings to an unparalleled degree, and she's likely to fumble her way through many a circumstance on a daily basis. No longer the eternal optimist she was as a child, there are cracks in her rose-tinted glasses, but obstinacy compels her to remain enthusiastic and blithe. Emery is naturally soft-spoken, but she's not at all as meek as she appears to be. Simple-minded and almost embarrassingly genuine, she expresses herself freely and openly, heart on sleeves and everything. She dishes out everything straightforwardly, no sugarcoating or mincing words. If she hates you, she'll deliver the contempt upfront and make it known; if she likes you, she'll stick to you like a puppy. It's hard for Emery to lie, and not because of a lack of trying; her many attempts at deceit just tend to get foiled by her involuntarily expressive face (and her inability to improvise, but that's another matter entirely). In any case, it's very easy to get Emery riled up and she's impressionable to boot. Sob stories and motivational speeches, no matter how contrived, always seem to get her. Emery may easily be intimidated (especially of people who are 27.94cm taller than her), and she may have a habit of hiding behind people when she's frightened, but by no means is she a coward. If anything, she borders on reckless bravery. She does anything and everything for friends and family, wont to stubbornly disregard her own limits and well-being if the situation called for it. Emery might be a spaztastic ball of enthusiasm most of the time, but when things go from bad to worse, she can be surprisingly dependable. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Emery was born in Kuiper, to parents who hardly fit the title. She doesn't remember who they are, but she knew of them and their abusive habits. It was her older sister, Arden, who took care of her in their stead. Arden had ran away from home when she was only fourteen, but as soon as she had found out her mother had birthed her a sister, she returned home immediately to save Emery from suffering as she had. She confronted her parents and forcibly took the five-year-old Emery, then visibly malnourished and littered with bruises. They hardly put up a fight and even seemed relieved to be free of the responsibility. Arden took Emery to Krukow, fifty miles away, and have since settled there, vowing never to let Emery know of the hardships she had to suffer through. Growing up, Emery never wanted for anything. Her sister saw through her promise; she provided her with everything she could possibly need, and even doted on and coddled her most of her life. Arden watched over her, as diligent the proverbial hawk, protecting her from all the dangers of the world, no matter how seemingly insignificant. The people of Krukow have helped them considerably as well, and many of them have come to regard the two as family. It was a peaceful life, one she wouldn't have traded for anything. Krukow was like her own giant playground; Emery moved about the island like she lived there all her life. The townspeople have even come to rely on her mechanical abilities. While her sister was busy with Rift Hunting, she helped earn a living repairing what's been broken around town. Emery couldn't have known that soon, she would be faced with something even she couldn't fix. She was fourteen when her sister disappeared, leaving only a hastily scribbled note behind. [i]Be back soon.[/i] Emery returned home from a particularly boring day of school to an empty house, still in the same state as it had been in the morning. Breakfast dishes were set on the table, the flower vase she accidentally knocked over still on the floor, its broken pieces scattered around it. Everything was as she left it that morning, except for the bright yellow note left on the table. Ever the optimist, Emery brushed off premature worries and waited obediently, confident her sister would return just as suddenly as she left. Arden said she would be back soon, after all. She could have been called by the mayor for some emergency Rift Hunting duty even though it was her day off. Or, she could have gone to Kuiper to watch that concert she was talking about—Arden tended to be impulsive like that. If there was one thing Emery was certain of, it was that Arden would never, ever leave her behind. So she waited. But then hours turned into days, to weeks, to months. After the week of her disappearance, their neighbor took her in, unwilling to leave accident-prone Emery alone. The first couple of months were hardest on her, and they passed her by in a haze of tears and listlessness. She had very nearly given up hope of ever seeing her, but then she received a message from an unknown sender, only three words but more than enough for her. [i]Be back soon.[/i] Emery would receive the same message every couple of weeks, and it was the only thing that gave her solace. The sporadic messages snapped her out of her despair and returned her to her chipper self. No more moping, no more crying, she decided. Instead, Emery channeled her pent up energy and busied herself with what she liked to call productive distractions as she waited for her sister's return. On her sixteenth birthday, she received another message, one that spurred her like never before. [i]Find me soon.[/i] [u][b]Mage:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Skills: [/b][/u] [i]Spatial and visual acuity:[/i] Emery has keen eyesight and can process, generate, and retain well-structured visual cues easily. Basically, she can accurately measure distances and lengths without using instruments and she's pretty good with puzzles. Still, it's always been a wonder how someone who can walk a straight line with her eyes closed can trip over her feet so often. [i]Fine motor skills:[/i] For all of her daily struggles with keeping upright, Emery has unexpectedly dexterous hands. [i]Mechanical Inclinations:[/i] Put both her skills together and you have the makings of a natural mechanic. Emery discovered her unexpected affinity for machines when she realized she could take apart anything without rendering it irreparable. Her inherent understanding of machinery is not something she can explain; all she knows is that what she can disassemble, she can just as easily fix. [u][i]Techniques:[/i][/u] None yet. [u][i]Equipment:[/i][/u] - A wrist communicator that she never takes off. - [url=http://i.imgur.com/xT8mBsJ.png]Goggles[/url] fitted with an optical head-mounted display. It has 50x magnification and can be used to analyze a target by recording its movements and recognizing any discernible patterns. Her sister said it was from the Crucible, but how she came to acquire it remains a mystery to this day. She has since tweaked it, enhancing its scanners and sensors in order to help her gather data more efficiently. [b][u]Position:[/u][/b] Mechanic [i][u]Theme Song:[/u][/i] [url=https://soundcloud.com/nekmiz/sasakure-uk-08]✿[/url] [/center] [/hider]